Chapter 20: Apples + Concupiscence

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"As the flower reaches anthesis, and ready for love

As the flames turns to cinder

The wolves howl at the moon above

The hardened heart gives itself to who's affection it rendered."-Mine

Sorry for the filler. But you'll love it. The pic is of other poems that reminded me of J+K.

Song is... well I'll let you figure it out ;) (Below are Apple tree flowers) PLEASE COMMENT! and vote.

 well I'll let you figure it out ;) (Below are Apple tree flowers) PLEASE COMMENT! and vote

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Korali's Pov.(Not Edited)
Jordan unabashedly turned away from me and reached back into the shower to turn it off.

My modesty wanted me to turn away but my lusting had me boldly staring. Jordan didn't seem to mind as he bustled around the bathroom.

When I followed Jordan out of the bathroom, I just sat quietly on the bed. When I glanced up from my hands I saw Jordan looking down at me quizzically. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Nothing. It's just, something seems different about you. That's all. Something I can't put my finger on."

"Don't worry, Korali. It's nothing bad." He quirked up a quick smile, which honestly scared me more.

"Are you sure? Because that smile—"

"That was meant to be reassuring. Which I realize a smile from me wouldn't be. But don't worry. I'm okay." He whispered the last few words while gazing into my eyes seriously. I nodded in affirmation.

"Come." Jordan spoke and I lifted from the bed, softly padding after him. He led me to his old bedroom, which I currently slept in. He reached up into the back of the closet, past my reach, and grabbed another box. He swiped at the box with one arm, clearing it of dust on the top and opened it up.

I peered over his arm to see dozens of pictures. He walked over to the bed, scooping me off the floor on his way. I squealed slightly as he sat us on the bed. I crossed my legs and waited for him to begin. He merely shoved the photos at me.

As I moved from photo to photo I noticed the significance of them. They were pictures of Jordan growing up, of Cailo and Max, of Mahalia and Arion. There were even pictures of Jordan's mom and dad. As Jordan aged you could see the fatigue, the depression, the resignation on his face. Even from the young pictures, Jordan was never the happy-go-lucky child, but there was a noticeable change in his disposition. Such a loss of innocence so young.

I didn't realize that I was crying until I felt tingling fingers rubbing away the liquid. "I'm okay." Jordan whispered again. And what hurt the most was that he wasn't. He wasn't okay. He was abused, neglected, and generally fucked up. It made me feel overwhelmingly privileged. But it also made me realize why we were mates. Why we belonged.

I laughed a little through the mist in my eyes that didn't seem to want to let up. "You will be."

The moment was tender and heart wrenching. I wanted to go back in time and fix what was wrong. To right him. To help him. But that wasn't possible.

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In the end I thought that I could be the one to change him. But, he had to be willing to change for himself and my love wont just do it for him.

People don't just change over night.

But Jordan was finally ready to. He was a cocooned butterfly ready to finally be released from his metamorphic cage. He was ready to become who he was destined to be.

When Jordan and I finally made eye contact he only blinked at me, as if gauging my reaction. After a little bit, he suddenly grabbed my arms hauling me towards him and kissed up the side of neck.

I giggled at the sudden onslaught of affection. I gently wrapped my arms around his neck, breathing in his citrus-y smell. As his kisses got lower, my breathing sounded like a car that had trouble starting. He kissed down the center of chest. Then I realized why. He was kissing where my heart was. I pulled his head away slanting my lips over his for a brief second before I continued ushering out the same kissed he gave me. When I ended up at his heart, I listened for the steady strum of beats.

We relaxed like that in the bed for the entire day, until there was a steady amount of knocks at the door. With a sigh I got up, leaving Jordan to his sleep. When I finally pulled the door open, Cailo and Max fell in looking distraught and tired. Oh and very very dirty.

"What happened?" I asked my hands pulling Max back so I could look him over to see if he had any wounds, then I did the same to Cailo. They seemed fine.

"We just saw ghosts." Max replied, not quite believing his words.

"Max, this is no time to joke."

"He's serious. We just saw—saw Jordan's little sister." Cailo had slumped to the floor by now, so he was speaking through his hand that was thrown over his face.

"Oh," I wondered how to break it to them. "I saw her months ago. She's not dead."

"What?" Max's outburst probably woke up Jordan. "And you didn't say anything?"

"Well I told Jordan. But at the time he said I was being immature. Soo," I shrugged.

"Oh shit, oh shit. How's Jordan taking this?" Max's face was drawn into a concerned state, the mud streaks on his cheek causing him to look oddly young.

"He's doing—he's doing okay. He's finally ready."

Max and Cailo being lifetime friends of Jordan's, knew what that meant from the words alone. They didn't need further explanation. The smile that lit up Max's face was enough to almost cause tears.

"Come on, I'll go make us some food. You two go clean up. You smell like wet dog."

That earned me an eye roll from Max and a growl from Cailo.

As I pranced into the kitchen, I was shocked to see Jordan there already starting on food. I knocked at the entryway to alert him I was coming.

"I could hear your feet." He murmured. I smiled sitting on the counter and humming as he maneuvered around me. As he was taking some vegetables from the cutting board he pecked me on the lips before dropping them inside the pot.

"What are you making?"


I nodded and watched him until he finished. Cailo and Max finally came in and sat at the table silently.

"Jordan, we saw—"

"Mahalia, I know." His response was low and weary.

"No," Cailo frowned rubbing a hand down his face. "We saw Arion's mom in the city today. She said she'd like to see you."

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