Ch.6. Part (1)

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Patrick's POV~
(After he left the bus)
I run out of the bus and into my car. I have know I have no idea where Jamie could be besides her apartment, and her job, but she would never go there on her day off so I start heading toward her apartment. I keep texting to see where she is but she won't answer and I'm kind if worried. I do that the whole time I'm on the high-way.
"WHY WON'T SHE ANSWER!" I scream to myself. what is wrong with me? I have never acted like this! but I decided to send her on last text before I got off at exit 34B
"I'm finally gunna do it" I say in my head. I try to text and drive at the same time.
"Jamie" look at the road "I think" look at the road and turn down the exit "I'm in love with you" I put my finger on the send button debating if I should do it and then there's some honking which startles me and I accidentally press the send button. it shows it is still sending when I look up from being distracted on my phone to see I just ran a red light. then there's honking, a big bright light, and I see my phone go flying. Then there's some pictures going through my mind my parents, school, my friends, the day fall out boy got signed, the day I met Jamie, us holding hands, then everyone that is close to me all in one picture, smiling. My head hurting, screaming, and the feel of grass on my face is the last thing I remember before I blacked out.

(Back to the present)

Jamie's POV~
I need to contact the guys to ask if there ok and to ask where Pete and Patrick are. I grab my phone and see I have several messages, my heart sank, there all from patrick.
"Where are you?"
"what happened?"
"What did Pete say?"
"Are you ignoring me?"
"Are you ok?"
"Please, TALK TO ME!"
"Fine if your ignoring me that doesn't matter I'm going to find you anyways!"
And then there was one message that said "ERROR RECEIVING MESSAGE." And that was the last one.
I call Andy to ask about everything and he answers but there is to much noise for me to here him. there's some moving around, it sounds like he calls Joe but the voice is muffled then it sounds like car doors slammed.
"JAMIE!" joe yells, is he trying to make my ears bleed?!
"Yea I'm here"I say
"WELL WHY ARE YOU NOT HERE!?!" Andy yells, there's wind so I can tell he's flailing his arms around being fanatic.
"Yes I know that's why I called you. WHERE ARE YOU!?!"
"Well we're in the car right now because we can't stand to see patrick.."
We were silent for a few seconds but I spoke again."Ok but WHERE are you I want to come with you to the hospital."
"Oh, um I don't think there taking him to the hospital."
My heart sank, where were they taking him?
"Then where?"
"Umm." joe starts talking again. "I will just come get you."
Before I could say anything there's muffled voices again, a scream, and a few swear words. I don't know what to do now.. head over there? or wait for joe to come? in a matter of seconds Joe is here sense they were at the exit to my apartment complex anyways. before Joe could get out I ran to the car.
"Lets go." I say
He just nods his head and turns around. We are there again and Andy is sitting on the hood of his car with his face in his hands. I run up to him and notice no one else is around.
"Andy? what is going on?" He looked at me with dried tears on his cheeks and new ones forming.
"They all said there was no point in going to the hospital." he said shaking his head.
"What does that mean?" was he not even at the hospital?
"Patrick's heart kept stopping, they couldn't keep it going. he was dead for a half an hour." he said with the new tears streaming down his checks again. my eyes started getting watery, but I'm very emotional so when I break, I break DOWN. I sucked it up and tried to get more information.
"But is he at the hospital right now?"
He looked at me and shrugged his shoulders.
"We are going to that damn hospital. get in the car." he hopped in the backseat and laid down Joe scooted over so he was in the passenger seat and I sped all the way to the hospital.

Patrick's POV~
I was in a room with a big bright light and there was blue paper on me I yelled hello and tried to get up. there was what sounded like a girl screaming then it sounded like a muffled gun shot and I was out again.

Pete's POV~
I saw the news and I couldn't believe what I saw. WHY PATRICK? I quickly dialed Joes number.
"Pete?! what the fuck buddy where are you!?"
"Sorry man. Where's patrick?"
"He's at the hospital. we're heading there now."
"Is he ok?"
"I don't know... his heart kept stopping and the doctors can't keep it going. he was dead for a half an hour before they could get it going again..."
I was quiet.. what was I going to say? well that sucks? No.
"Yea. I'm here.. what hospital?"
"I'll be there."
I didn't know if I wanted to punch the wall or sit in the corner and cry..
I put the phone down, grabbed my keys, and headed for St.johns hospital.

Jamie's POV~
We made it to the hospital and Andy slowly walked in still crying a little while me and Joe were running around trying to find information about patrick. the last place we tried was the emergency room and the lady just told us to have a seat. of course none of us could, I paced from the front counter to the coffee table where the magazines were, Andy played with a fake leaf not crying anymore but hyperventilating, Joe was against the wall staring at something on the floor. Pete finally came in.
"Pete?" me and Andy said at the same time.
"Sorry I took so long traffic sucked with that exit closed."
Andy and I were still looking at him as he sat down.
About 5 minutes later a doctor came in with blood all over him. "Pete, Jamie, Joe, and Andy please come with me." we all looked at each other and followed him. He led us to this room and turned around before opening the door.
"Now what your about to see is something no one has ever seen before. Your friend in there is different than all our other patents. We don't know why yet but his heart kept stopping, then it would start again. While in the emergency room the other doctors and I decided to quit trying to start his heat after trying for almost an hour. And as we started to put him body bag after sowing him back up, he started talking and tried to get up. but I'm asking you, your friend is in there sleeping in a glass tube, do NOT touch the tube, breathe on it, try to wake him up, or touch any of the equipment."
He opened the door and and we all gasped.

OHHHH!!!!!! It's crazy!!! I'm sooo happy I FINALLY figured out what to say! after I was like ooo this should happen in the beginning, ideas started exploding!! It was PRETTY awesome!
Ok welp questions!

1) what did you think of the crash? do you think it could've gone better?

2) what do you think the doctor mean by "your friend is different from our other patents"?

3) what do you think they all saw when they went into the room?

4) (SORRY! I try to do only 1-3 questions but I had to ask) how do you think my book is so far? 1-10 :3

Ok welp it is 1:17 am right now and I'M FREAKING TIRED!! but I had to upload!!!
Until next time my little Saplings!!(aww my nickname is so awesome!!)

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