Oh god sometimes reema is so annoying I just want MASSA'S number and I want the address god how should I get it now?
I saw them going away then massa turned and winked HAHAHHAHA what is she doing
suddenly I heard those words in my head wow now that is amazing but she scared the shit out of me I closed my eyes the opened them
again my head started aching I will tell her not to repeat it again ouch
Ok now I will follow them without reema noticing I don't give a shit about the class I remember when the prof added me and massa 15
marks now I understand why haha but seriously she was amazing all this week when she was gone I remembered every single day
what we did go I really do miss her and I still am I have a lot of questions I want to ask her I hope she answers and I hope not hurting
her by my questions
I don't know if I sent the mind message right cuz this is the first time I use it and yeah I really wanted him to follow us
" what are you thinking?" reema asked
" nothing " I answered
" oh yeah ofc about Harry he is cute" she said
Yeah he is
" oh yeah what happened when I wasn't here" I asked
" hahhaha harry went crazy first day he came he looked like a zombie he was a total mess his eyes were wide open and his hair was messy second day he came relaxed he came to me and asked me about you third day he looked hot and asked about you again fourth day he asked about you but he lost hope he stayed with his friends and the other days he stayed with his friends but he came always and asked me about you " she said
Awww sweet
" aha " I said
Ok now we should go to the principle and give him back the keys I don't feel like going
" hi" reema said
" hey " he said and winked me
I rolled my eyes and looked back I saw Harry leaning on the wall and waving to me
" um we came to give you back the keys" she said
" what?? Why??" he asked
" cuz I have a house" I said
" oh then can you please tell me where is it if you don't mind" he asked
" no I do mind" I said
Reema looked at me in ' what are you doing?' look
" oh ok here are the keys " reema handled him the keys he took with them without saying any word
We stepped out
" what did you do?" reema said
" nothing I just made him shut the hell up" I said
" omg he is your principle for god sake" she said
" yeah? And?" I said
" u should at least respect him" she said
" oh " I said
" I am kidding but try not to get fired" she said
"I wont " I said
We went to my car and put the bags in it
" um wait for Harry" I said
" what?" she said
" you heard what a said " I winked
" oh so you can't stay one day without him" she said in sarcastic way
" love I stayed 1 hole week without him" I said
" oh yeah right I forgot about it" she said
I giggled at her comment
" see you are the dumb ass" I said
'WILL YOU PLEASE HURRY UP?' I sent harry another mind message
He got in the car and said
" do what?" reema asked
" nothing " he said
I laughed hardly I started the engine and drove the car
" yeah laugh it hurts I have the most painful headache " he said
" oops sorry my bad it was my first time" I laughed
" what your first time WILL SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME?" reema said
" I will tell you later" I said
" yes u will" she said
" umm guys I kneed to tell you something" I said
" yes " reema answered worriedly
" ummm I broke my bed yesterday and I finished all the food " I said
" what?" reema said
Harry giggled and said " as if u had one"
DAMNN you she doesn't know i will show you
" FUCK" he yelled
I laughed more
" are you ok?" reema said
Now I think I did it wrong
" massa pull over " she yelled
" why?" I asked
" look at Harry" she said
I stopped the car and looked at him I saw his head red as a tomato oops
" umm ok reema I kneed you to do something there is a medical box behind the car I just kneed you to get out of the car and open the car back and you ails find a white box just bring it fast" I said
" ok " she went out and ow it is my tern
" ouuchhh it hurts" he said
" u messed with a wrong girl but I swear I am reaalllyyyy so soorrrry " I said
I put my hand in his head and tryed to heal him but he shouted more I tried again and here he is better than ok
" wooooof " he said
" I am really sorry " I said
" repeat it again and I swear I will" he said but I interrupted him by
' U SWEAR U WILL WHAT?' I sent him a mind message
" now I will leave your head aching more" I said
" noo help please" he said
" say sorry love you are the best " I said teasing him
" no never in a million years"