3 ~ creepy houses & 1st class rooms

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Lucy POV:

"We're going on a mission requested by the mayor." He started. "The request asked us to find some evil gang's leader and recover a stolen item from them."

Natsu went on to explain the job, telling me how the item was a very special gem, containing a strong type of magic. If it was to get into the wrong hands, bad things could happen.
I nodded along nervously, worrying about what the evil mages plans were.

Soon we had stopped outside a small building, holding the name 'Makoto's Inn'. The building looked old; a rickety door unstabley closing the hole of the doorway, a crumbly stone path leading to the house. I gave Natsu a doubtful look before he grabbed my hand a pulled me towards the little cottage house. He opened the door and we walked in.

The room we stood in was quite big. A vintage looking light hung low from the ceiling in the centre, barely lighting the area. A few seats crowded in the corner, along with a coffee table with a few dead flowers in a vase, on top.

We walked to the back of the room where a counter stood.

"Hello? Is anybody here?" Called out Natsu, hoping for a response. We looked around the eery looking room.

"Natsu was this the only Inn you could get?" I whispered, my facial expression looking a little creeped out now.

"Yep. Only place in the whole town..." He replied.

"HELLO?" He called again, a little louder this time. "Come on, we really need a place to stay..." He complained into the darkness of the room.

A sudden rustle came from behind the counter. A little man popped up, shocking me and Natsu immensely. We jumped back, Natsu unconsciously pushing me behind him protectively.

"Did someone say they needed a place to stay?" Asked the man, his voice was squeaky. He now stood on the counter, looking at us with an excited expression.

The man was as small as Master Makarov, wearing a purple cloak. He was bald, and looked pretty old.

"Uhm, yeh, could we book a room please?" Asked Natsu. Looking at me from the corner of his eye. I stood out from next to him, smiling at the man kindly.

The man jumped from excitement, doing a little dance on the counter top.

"Oh my goodness! I've not had a customer for as long as I can remember! This town has been deserted ever since that evil dark guild came around! I can't believe it, someone actually wants to stay in my Inn!" He rambled, speaking a little too fast.

"Oh, we were wondering why the town seemed so quiet" I said to the man. "So no one ever visits here?"

"No. Never. Well, not in a long time anyway..." The man said, sitting down in the end of the counter. "This town is dead. No one leaves their houses as they all fear their lives."

"Oh!" The man piped. "I haven't introduced myself! My names Makoto. I'm the mayor of this town." He said proudly.

Me and Natsu gasped. He was the mayor?

"I'm Lucy and this is Natsu." I said, we both went in to shake his hand. "So your the actual mayor? Why don't you have giant mansion or house to live in?"

"I'm in hiding. If I was to be staying in my mansion, the dark guild in this town could easily hunt me down. Plus my life's dream has been to own an Inn! -though nobody comes here..." He explained, making actions with his hands.

"I know! I'll give you two a luxury sweet! You don't have to pay any extra since you're my first customers in a while." Makoto beamed, jumping off the desk and grabbing a set of keys from behind. He fiddled with them for a few seconds,  looking for a certain key.

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"A HA!" He exclaimed,  picking out a large silver key from the ring. He took it off and handed it to Natsu. "This," He said, gesturing to the key Natsu was now examining. "is the key for your room. It's my most prized room with a great view of the forest and a large open plan. I hope you two enjoy your stay for whatever reason you're here for."

I was just about to interject and tell the man we were from Fairy Tail as he requested, but stopped as he pulled me and Natsu towards a door at the other end of the room. He opened it, allowing us to see a large staircase that stood behind. He took us up the stairs, down a narrow corridoor and stopped infront of a red door. He gestured for Natsu to open the door, which he did. Turning the key in the lock once, it clicked and Natsu pushed open the door.

We walked into the room of the Inn.
The main room was painted off-white. In the far side, a large double bed sat, with grey bedding and a bedside table either side. Oppisite the bed was a wardrobe. To the left was a door leading to the bathroom.

"Well, here is your room Kiddo's." Said Makoto, now heading back towards the front door. "Just come down lat'r with the money for the amount of nights you will be staying. Bye!"

And with that, the overly excited man named Makoto left. Me and Natsu were left stood infront of a large window containing the supposed 'amazing forest view'. To be honest, half of the trees were dead.

"So... that's the mayor?" Asked Natsu, his usual confused expression plastered on his face.

"Seems so... he's quite the character." I said, looking out the window.

"So this job, how long do you think it will take us?" I asked Natsu, turning from the window and going to sit on the edge of the bed.

"We'll beat this guy easy. No worries about it Luce." Said Natsu, now standing in front of me with his signature grin. "We should leave our bags here and go down to tell him were from Fairy Tail. Maybe he'll let us stay for free!" Said Natsu excitedly.

We put our bags beside the bed, before heading back down to find Makoto.
I walked down the creaky staircase behind Natsu. After entering the room, we looked around for Makoto but couldn't see him.

"Makoto?" I called into the dark room.

After a few long seconds the man popped out from behind the check-in counter for the second time that day.

"Oh hey!" He said in his squeaky voice. "How many nights are you stayin kids?"

"Well, we aren't really sure yet..." I started, not knowing how to go about telling him were from Fairy Tail.

"You sent out a request right? For someone to get a stolen item from the dark guild's leader?" Natsu asked bluntly.

The man's eyes widened as a look of panic washed over his face. He started pace around the top of the counter shaking his head and mumbling.

"Oh my goodness I should have known the dark guild would find out and now they've found me and they're going to kill me. Oh no what have I done this is a disaster"

"Uhm... sorry Makoto I think you've got the wrong id-"

"I can't belive this, out of all the years I've kept safe here now I've messed up believing I had actual customers I should have known. Why would anyone want to co-"

"Makoto!" Yelled Natsu, snapping the old man from his panicked pacing.

Makoto stopping his tracks and turned his head to us.

"Makoto listen we're from Fairy Tail. The guild that accepted you offer." Said Natsu, trying to calm the man down.

"No guild accepted my offer! You must be members of the dark guild!" He retorted, once again becoming panicked.

Natsu turned to me with a look of confusion.

"Mira said she accepted the request and sent out a letter." He said.

"Maybe there was a problem whilst it was getting delievered" I pondered.

"So you two say you're from fairytail?" Makoto asked, staring at us with a look of desperation.

"Of course!" Said Natsu, a cheesy smile taking over his face.

He pulled down his jacket, showing the man his red guild mark on his shoulder. I did the same, stretching out my hand and showing my mark.

"Oh my goodness you are!" Said the man. His feelings suddenly flipped as he started dancing around on the counter tops.

Suddenly his face turned serious, he stopped dancing and jumped off the counter.

"Let me tell you more about the request then." He stated, gesturing for us to follow him. He took us around to behind the counter where a hidden staircase case, that went down, was. We followed him down into a room. The room completley contasted from the usptairs. There was a coffee table in the centre with a few low chairs around it. It was brightly lit and looked like a living area.

"Sit" He said kindly, gesturing towards the seats.

Me and Natsu sat down side by side, Makoto sitting oppisite.

"You requested for us to get a stolen item." Started Natsu, placing his arms on his legs ahead of him, leaning forward.

"Yes." Makoto explained. "It's a precious gem called the Exterious Momentum. The gem is very powerful and can destroy anything if gotten into the wrong hands. I'm afraid of what the guild's leader is planning to do."

"His guild is called Black thorn, and they like to call the leader Scar." He carried on. The name sent a shiver down my spine. Natsu shuffled in his seat, his face holding the look of intense concentration.

"The guild is located at the south of the town. They keep hidden in a base underground but everyone knows they're there." Makoto spoke.

"So has this guild been causing a lot of trouble in the town?" I asked.
Me and Natsu had to find out as much as we could before taking an action.

"Recently yes. Sadly they've been using dark magic to hurt a lot of the citizens. They steal money and shop stock all around. If people try to stand up to them or don't cooperate to what they ask, they attack them. It's awful. The guild has been here for years, yet they've only acted up in the past year." Makoto explained.

The man looked tired. Now that I look closely, he looks as if he hadn't slept in days. He must be so worried about his town and people.

"Don't worry mayor. Me and Luce can get rid of this guild and get back the gem. We've got this sorted" Said Natsu eagerly, standing up from his seat and clenching his fist in the air.

I stayed sitting down, pondering over the reward.  Natsu hadn't told me how much it was and the whole reason I took this job was for my rent... well partially the reason.

"So... about the reward, I-"

"Oh yes the reward!" Interrupted the man. "How could I forget!"

Natsu had now sat back down on his seat and the man had jumped up.

"You can have your room for free!" Makoto beamed, excitedly.

Me and Natsu sank into our seats. That's it?
We gave eachother a disappointed look.

"Don't wallow kids, you'll get 10,000 jewell too! That's if you get back my gem that is." Reassured Makoto, a grin spread across his face.

Me and Natsu high-fived excitedly.

"Yes!" We both cheered in unison.

The mayor looked at us with an uncertain look.

"Are you sure you two kids are up for this task.  Two people taking on a whole guild is unheard off. They're strong you know." He said, his hands fiddling on his lap.

"Don't worry about us. We're from Fairy Tail remember!" Natsu grinned, giving the man a thumbs up. I smiled too.

We can do this.

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