A/N : Hey I know know im late extremely late.. like major late and I am sooooo sorry a lot has been going on. Ive been helping my sister plan her wedding and stuff again im sorry but heres chapter 6 please enjoy!!!
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Chapter 6
I woke up to the most beautiful sight and sound. I lay with Zane's arms wrapped around my tiny waist. My head rested on his firm chest and I listened to his steady heartbeat. Everything felt right and peaceful. I lifted my head a little to get a glance at this beautiful, beautiful boy. He looked so peaceful. I stared up at him in awe. Never in my life have I seen something or someone as beautiful as this. Something in my chest squeezed then released, causing a rush of sudden warmth to flood over me. Here was this most amazing boy who just a few days ago was my worst enemy, jerk and careless asshole. Now he is my only chance of escape. My face of awe turned into a frown. Did I even want a chance to escape? Did I deserve it? I look at every angelic feature on his face. I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't even human. Something about him even seems inhuman like. Zane's eyes slowly open, immediately locking it mine. My cheeks flushed as he looks down at me and smiles.
I can't believe I was caught staring at him. A voice popped into my head. It sounded like Abby but different more frantic.
'Tell him!' I ignore her and turned away from Zane. I had completely forgotten about Abby. Zane's arm snakes around my waist and pulls me to his chest.
"What's wrong Elsie you look troubled, you ok?" I nod my head and hear Abby's voice again and stiffen.
'Tell him now!!' my brows furrow in confusion.
'Get away from him and tell him now' I climb out of the bed and stand by the door. I look at Zane's confused and hurt expression.
'Why?' I spoke back to Abby.
'Tell him about the accident' my eyes grew wide in shock. Where is all this coming from? Why would I do that? Why would I tell him about the accident?
'Do it you'll feel better' her voice was calm and sweet now. But, when I spoke I was confused.
"Zane?" he climbs out of the bed and walks up to me slowly still confused. I ask him a question I've been wanting the answer of since I started hearing Abby's voice.
"Is it possible if someone dies that their spirit can haunt you for revenge?" Zane's confused face deepens but he answered me still.
"I've heard of it happening before, but never seen it. Why? Elsie where is this coming from all of a sudden?" I have absolutely know Idea. I don't know what I'm talking about and to be honest im not even sure it's me talking, but I can't tell him that. He cocks his head to the side. I open my mouth to say something but am cut off by Abby.
'Don't you dare!'
'But you told me to tell him everything. This is part of it.' There was a silence for a few seconds before she spoke.
'He will leave you' she said calmly and a little too confidently.
'Well then, I guess he will. You did say suffer right Abby? If Zane is still in the picture there's no way I can suffer. Its like he absorbs it.' There was silence. Maybe I should just start all over maybe Zane could help.
'Help?!' Abby's voice shrieked in my head making me flinch in surprise.
'We don't need help. We need release!' I open my mouth to speak to Zane but again Abby cut me off.
'Don't tell him about us!!' I took a deep breath.
"Zane?" I say in a shy whisper.
"I want to tell you. I want to tell you everything from beginning to end." I look into Zane's eyes and I can tell he is hesitating on what to do. He opens his mouth but I cut him off.
"No!!" I shout but then lower my voice instantly.
"I mean please. Please let me tell you. I have to let this out." He slowly nods his head but I can still see he's having mental battle. I take another deep breath and close my eyes. Picturing everything scene by scene, I begin to tell him.
"it was about a month ago. My best friend, Abby, and I wanted to go to this new restaurant of the Rocky Mountains in Virginia. My mom and dad had agreed to take us on a Friday. Me and Abby were so excited because it was like the talk of the town and we just couldn't wait." A small smile appeared on my lips as Abby's excited giggles and grins flashed through my mind.
"Anyways, when Friday came we got into the car and my dad drove us an hour up the mountain. Now that I really think about it my mom hated going up the mountain but she despised going down it. It was something about the sharp curves and drop edges that could send her to tears. She could never drive down one, shed get sick and pass out, and that's not good to have a passed out driver. But, when we got to the restaurant it felt different, almost like we shouldn't be there." I paused for a brief seconded then continued.
"now I know I should have just asked then then and there to take us home or make an excuse but, Abby" I said her name in a whisper.
"She looked so happy so did my parents. I just couldn't. So I went with it. After eating my dad was drunk. I have know idea how it happened." I shake my head and frown. I look at Zane. He looked like he was going to be sick.
"Zane? Are you okay?" he nods his head but doesn't look at me. I take a deep breath then keep going.
"Well my dad was drunk and my mom had a fear of driving down mountains. So, all that was left was me cause i had my permit. When we stepped out of the restaurant it was pouring down raining and my stomach had got a weird squeeze. We put my dad in the back with my mom and Abby sat up front with me." I pause and take another deep breath.
"I was fifteen minutes into driving and I was really straining to see." Tears blurred my vision.
"The window wipers were on high but the rain wouldn't stop." Tears stream down my cheeks and I begin to stutter when I spoke.
"It -it was only a second I swear." I begin to sob loudly. Zane wrapped his arms around me. I sobbed into his firm chest.
"It was only a second. Just a second Zane" Zane shushed me and rubbed my head. I took a few deep breaths.
"I took my eyes of the road for a second just to see how fast I was going. Then, the bright headlights-" I paused remembering it all as the scenes run through my head like a movie.
"First it was the headlights, the crash and pain in my head. The worst part.. the worst part was the silence. When we flew off the cliff it was dead silence no one screamed they just looked down into the darkness we were plummeting into. But, not me. I looked at them and their faces were pure fear. I couldn't help but think, as I saw there blood going past my head in mid air, I failed them. I killed them. Im a murderer and nits all my fault. If I hadn't had taken my eyes off the road theyd be alive." Zane shook his head.
"No it wasn't your fault it was fate. It was no ones fault just an accident."
We sat there for what felt like hours but i knew was just minutes. I had stopped crying just thinking over what Zane had said 'fate' but why does fate want to destroy my life what did i do? I pull away from Zane's arms remembering my first question about Abby.
"Zane?" He looks at me and puts on a small smile.
"Yes Elsie"
"I hear her. She speaks to me. She tells me they cant move on until i do exactly what they want." My voice is a desperate whisper. Zanes brows furrow together and his smile has faded a little.