Pilot - Part 1

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Just an important note, I've slightly changed the prologue to fit my story better. James Monroe has been changed to an OC character of mine – Megan Lowe. Re-read the first section of the Prologue to read a bit about her! It felt like everything would get very complicating if I had Avery chasing after an OC guy so that's when Megan popped into mind.

Megan Lowe's character appearance – think of Michelle Trachtenberg. Looks like I'm bringing back Buffy and Dawn for this story, lol.

White Collar Fanfic | Threads of Trust | Pilot – Part 1

A few hours later, Peter Burke found himself visiting the prison where Avery had been staying for the past three and ¾ years. As soon as he entered the front doors, there was a line up of five people standing there, waiting for him to arrive. Two of the women to the side were guards of a high rank, two others (men) were in business suits and then there was another guy that had a bold red tie hanging from his neck. He was the one that stood out the most, considering his suit was a polished black.

"Agent Burke." The man with the red tie smiled slightly upon seeing him enter. He took a step forwards, reaching out his hand to shake politely. "I'm Thompson." He introduced himself, "U.S. Marshals." Peter shook his hand but obviously didn't look pleased. From what he heard; they basically let Avery walk out the front door under their watch. "We appreciate the help." They let go of hands, "You are the case agent?"

Two people stopped behind Peter; they were from his division, looking to help while the others kept on going with the Dutchman's case.

"Yes, I was." He answered, nodding but kept his un-pleased gaze on the man.

Thompson still didn't understand Avery Daniels – especially with what has just happened today. Why would someone escape with only 4 months left on a four-year term? "So, you'll agree that this is an unusual situation?"

Peter agreed, "Why would Avery run with just four months left on a four-year sentence?" Voicing out the man's inner queries.

Thompson nodded, "That's what we're wondering." One of the suited men behind him came up to the pair, looking a little anxious. Thompson glanced over to him before introducing this new person to the Case Agent, "This is Warden Haskley." He said, "Agent Burke of the FBI."

Peter shook his hand, but cocked an unimpressed eyebrow, "So, you're the one who dropped the ball."

Haskley swallowed nervously, "You of all people should know what Avery Daniel's is capable of." He tried to derail the blame off himself. This has never happened to him before so long as he's been in charge. He was sure to be fired for this stunt after Daniel's gets caught again.

Peter just sent the man a humorless smile. It was true though, his sister was indeed very smart and anyone who didn't really know her couldn't imagine the things that she was actually capable of. She's a con-woman and very resourceful. He wasn't actually that surprised when he heard of her escape. But at this close to being free – something was up and he intended to find out what it was, "I know I spent three years chasing her and you pretty much let her walk out the front door."

Thompson could feel the tension building between the two, so he butted in, his tone sounding just a touch urgent when he spoke, "Gentlemen." He stopped the incoming head-banging. He headed towards the inner door, the way that led to the prison cells, "Might I remind you that Daniels has a four-hour head start?"


Thompson, Haskley and Burke were heading down the hallways side by side, past many of the cells that were currently unoccupied. Every prisoner was scattered across the facility doing their daily routines.

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