Dipper's P.O.V.
We've been in Gravity Falls for a couple of weeks now. We were just walking around town, when I heard a high-pitched noise from my left.
"Dipping Sauce!!! The Circus- they perform HERE tomorrow! I want to beg Stan so we can go!"
"Fine. We'll go."
And with that, we headed back to the Mystery Shack.
[{Time skip. Brought to you by ?????}]
Dipper's P.O.V.
"Grunkle Stan, canwegoseethecircustomorrowitsinyownanditonlycostsfiftycentstogetinPLEEEAAASSSEEE!?!" Mabel said as fat as she could.
"Woah, kid, slow down."
She took a couple deep breaths. "The circus is in town. It costs 50 cents per person. And it's tomorrow. Can Dip and I go?"
"Fine. Just give me 10 minutes extra today for work."
I spoke up. "Thanks, Stan. I heard there was a girl called 'Fairy of Flame' who plays with fire."
"That's nice Mabel."
"Erm. That was Dip." Mabel stated.
"Go to bed kids."
Mabel and I said together, "Yes Grunkle Stan."
We headed off to bed. Mabel dreaming about the circus, me about....Cipher.
Bill Cipher.
It seemed to be just a reoccurring dream, though. Bill is dead! We killed him last summer!

The Ciphers
FanfictionHe's back. She's arrived. (First book in "The Ciphers" series) What will happen when the Circus comes to Gravity Falls, a mysterious figure...or 2 come to call, and Dipper And Mabel in the middle of it all? Bill has returned, Simone's turn to burn...