Chapter 9: Target Practice

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*Huff, huff.*

You were panting heavily as you ran through the cafe, dodging Sans' magic attacks along with the chairs and tables that were scattered around everywhere as an obstacle course. You thought he would go easy on you at first and then get progressively harder, but noooo. Not Sans. The most amazing part was that he was doing all of this in a suit and not even breaking a sweat. A barrage of bones of all different shapes and sizes was suddenly chasing you. You hide under a table and attempt to catch your breath.

"S-sans! -huff- Chill out with the giant -huff puff- bone attacks!"

"No chance Y/N, you definitely need the practice. Luckily, I'm here to lend a hand." The bones that had been chasing you suddenly morphed into a giant skeletal hand. You scream and run out from under the table, with the hand close behind. You were cornered by the snack machine.

"I -huff- give up!" Sans laughed and began to move his hand away.

"That's what I thought, too bad though, seemed like you getting better. I'm off to fetch Undyne~" Sans hummed to himself, turning away on his heel. He looked back and saw that you were on the ground, with your face covered by your hood.

"Damn it..." He walked over and crouched in front of you, slowly lifting your hood out of your face.

"Hey, Y/N... I'm sorry, I should've gone easier on you..." He lifted it all the way up, revealing your glowing red eye. You and smiled widely and whispered,

"Got ya."

You quickly jump to your feet, lifting Sans up near the ceiling.

"So you finally fought back, huh?" You twirl Sans in the air slowly. "What do you call it?"

"Uhm... I don't really have a name for it. You're red now, that's my attack."

Sans laughed dryly.

"Well, just so you know, I'm not just gonna sit up here and take it." He raised a blue covered hand and you were lifted up with him. You giggle and twirl Sans towards you. He grins a devilish grin with those fangs of his glistening.

"You're blue now, that's my attack." You laugh and shove his shoulder playfully. He growls at you, smiling.

"Oh yeah?" He drops and catches you before you hit the ground.

"SANS! That was scary!"

"Well then, why don't you get pay back?" He spread his arms out wide, welcoming an attack from you. He was testing you.

"Hmmmmm... Nah, I'll pass." You pull on Sans' tie, bringing him down to your level.

"Do you have any idea how long it takes to tie a tie?"

"I can knot even imagine." You both laugh like maniacs, twirling in mid air. The puns went back and forth. It's a good thing the windows were covered up for the day, or else people might be a bit weirded out by the floating skeleton and superhero in the cafe. Oh, speaking of which.

"Uhm... Sans?"


"Don't we have to be, I dunno, at work?"

"Did you forget what today was?"

"Um... Thursday?"

"Nope, it's the big boss' birthday. He was in a good mood, and let everyone off the hook today and tomorrow."

"... I feel like you just made that up."

"Ok, I talked him into taking the next two days off."

"Well, if anyone can teach someone how to be lazy it's you, Sans."

"Har har har, you should be thanking me, paper girl."

"I'm good." You struggle to get out of Sans' magic, but fail multiple times. He grins, baring his fangs once again.

"I'm not lettin go til' ya say 'thank you'."

"Hmph!" You cross your arms and stick your tongue out at Sans. You could just let him win, but he had already teased and tortured you so much, it was only fair that you tried to even the score.

"You asked for it," San's pulled you closer to him slowly. But you had already anticipated this and did the same, only faster. Until he was right up against your nose. You smiled and gripped his tie. And, wow, did his face get blue.

"What're you gonna do, Blue?"

"P-put me down please...." Confused, you slowly lowered Sans back onto the ground. He did the same, but he was shaking and nearly dropped you.

"I -uh- gotta go home and change... you made my suit all sweaty..." He teleported out of the building.

*What? I thought we were having fun!

You weeeree?

*Oh god, nevermind shut up.

You stare at the spot where Sans used to be for a bit then begin to turn towards the kitchen to help with the mess. There was a flash of blue behind you, and you turn to see Sans in a blue jacket, black basketball shorts, and blue high-top sneakers.

"Ok, I'm good. UNNDYYYYYYNE!"


"Coming! You NERDS ready?!"

A blue spear suddenly crashed down in front of you, breaking the table in half.


*Shit shit shit.

Hey, watch your fucking language, we'll be fine.

You stand up straight and flick your cape behind you.

"Don't worry Undyne! After practicing with Sans, I feel pretty... exspearienced!" Sans snickered from behind you.


"Wait wha-" Five spears suddenly rose from the ground in front of you. You look over at Sans, who is suddenly looking everywhere else but at you, with a light blue blush on his cheeks. You look back at Undyne, who was grinning her pirahna grin right at you.



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