Chapter 6

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I arrived into work late the following morning. I looked like shit and felt like shit as I had been crying all night. I was hoping no one would notice as I couldn't be bothered with their shit today and so I moved my fringe to the front of my face to cover it and made my way past reception to my office. After I threw my bag on the floor, I sat in my chair and took my glasses off, placing them on the desk. I rubbed my eyes which resulted in more tears coming out - the exact opposite of what I wanted. I walked over to the sink in my room and washed my face.

"Pull yourself the fuck together" I whispered to myself. I looked at the clock realizing that I had to check up on Drew. I picked up the red towel next to me and dried my face. My eyes were all puffy, like Drew's when I first met him. Why couldn't I stop thinking about the guy? I picked my glasses up off the desk and picked up the keys to Drew's room. Placing my sweaty palm on the door handle, I took a deep breath. I slowly walked a few steps so I was standing outside of Drew's room. I felt a sharp pain in my gut. I started to feel really scared, as though I simply couldn't do it. I almost talked myself out of it, but knew that no matter how hard I tried, I HAD to go in. He was my patient. With that thought I unlocked his door and made my way inside.

"Drew...?" I whispered.

"Yeah?" A voice whispered back. I turned to see him huddled on his bed. He didn't turn to look at me so I was guessing he was still upset. My thoughts were confirmed when I heard the man sniff. I walked over to his bed and sat next to him. He looked as though he was clutching something - like he was hiding something away from me. I decided to question him about it - not knowing if it was the right decision or not.

"Hey, Drew, what are you hiding?" I whispered, placing my hand on his arm.

"Nothing" he tried to assure me. Of course I didn't believe him.

"C'mon, Drew, you can trust me.". Silence filles the room, only to be broken occaisionally by a sniff from Drew.

"You gonna show me?" I asked softly. He sighed and said "I would, but that guy might walk in again." I nodded and stood up before walking towards the door. I shut it, locked it, then informed Drew of what I had just done.

"I'm the only one who posses a key to this room...I'm just stupid for not thing of this yesterday." I assured the man before sitting back down next to him. "Now Drew, what is it?"

"You must promise not to tell anyone!" He told me. I held his hand before whispering "I promise".

He sat up and looked at me, holding his right arm to his chest, then lowered it down for me to see. I gasped as the sight of a blood covered arm filled my eyes.

"You're a..."

"Cutter" he finished for me. I closed my eyes and shook my head. This hurt me. A lot.

"Wait here" I told him. I ran intomy office and dampened the towel I had used before. I went back into Drew's room, locked the door, and sat down next to him. Taking the towel, I wrapped it around his wounded arm.

"Why did you do this Drew?" I asked him, sounding a little stern. He shrugged and looked at the ground, but I could still see tears as they started to fill his eyes.

"WHY?!" I shouted aggresively. This clearly got Drew mad.





Silence filled the room straight after those words left my mouth. Drew's jaw droppes while tears streamed down his face. I dropped back down on the bed and pulled Drew into me holding him close - like a mother with her child. I could feel him grip my shirt and lie against it. He continued to cry so I tried to comfort him by rocking him and stroking his hair.

"I-I had no idea," he whispered, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. It's a but weird when your doctor comes out to you, I know." I giggled. He giggled too - the cutest giggle i'd ever heard.

"Can we talk about something else?" He asked, lifting his head up.

"Sure, I heard you were in a band?" I asked interested. He smiled, looking at the floor.

"Tragic Fate" he said continuing to smile. "I played bass and did a lot of screaming" he giggled again. My eyes lit up. It sounded like he had the same music taste as me.

"Who were your inspirations?" I asked.

"Oh, you know, Avenged Sevenfold, Metallica, Iron Maiden..."

"Iron Maiden?!" I echoed him. "I used to be in a band called 'Trooper'; we were an Iron Maiden tribute band" I exclaimed smiling madly.

"Really?!" Drew cried, "What position?"

"Lead guitarist!"

Drew sat up smiling.

"We have a lot in common, dude!" I practically shouted. Drew nodded looking at the bed.

"You know what else we have in common?" He said in a deepish voice. That shit turned me on. A lot.

"What?" I smiled. Drew leaned over to me before whispering "I'm in love with you, too", and before I knew anything else, Drew's lips were pushed against mine. I closed my eyes and kissed the man back, allowing a few moans to escape. I'd waited for this moment for what seems like forever, and now it was finally here. I could show this guy what he really meant to me. I put my hand on his arm as I continued to kiss him, then pushed him down on the bed and climbed on top of him. We lay there for a while before Drew finally broke off the kiss. We both stared into eachothers eyes panting, before Drew asked me something that could make me smile for an eternity:

"Shane, will you be my boyfriend?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2013 ⏰

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Please update, this is perfect

9y ago

Please update

9y ago

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