I didn't know what hat to do so I just screamed "No!"
Assist starts laughing loudly. I look up, prepared to yell at him for laughing at a mans death. Then I see the hologram. The man is fine?
"Someone saved him!" He said, sort of still laughing. "You control this world. Don't you remember?"
"I... Helped him...?" I asked very curiously.
Assist kept laughing. "DUH! And that's all you have to do."
The hologram switches to someone walking across the highway.
"Save him. Go on. Do it." He said still chuckling a bit.
"Okay..." I said nervously.
I look up at the screen and say "Stop."
He stopped. I panicked.
"Oh no! Oh no! Uh.... Go, go, go!"
He started walking really fast and he crossed the road.
"I hate this!" I yelled.
"Do you really? Don't you love being a deemo? It's a wonderful job." Assist said proudly.
"Of course not! This is... degrading! Its ridiculous! Its awful. How do I quit this?" I added.
"Well, you can't quit of course!" Assist said with a snicker.
"Wha- What?"
"You. Can't. Quit. " Assist

Ryan the Deemo
AdventureRyan is just a normal kid trying to live a normal life. But it's hard to live a normal life when you're a deemo and have a talking rabbit as an assistant. Read to see what drama and quiet possibly romance goes on in his adventure of being a deemo.