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Dare from MalandBenforever123-The VKS have to pretend to be evil again.
Mal-Hey Evie, Jay, Carlos we have a dare.
EJC-What is it?
Mal-We have to pretend to be evil again.
*Later that day Ben finds Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay spray painting the school building.*
Ben-Hey guys...Aaaahhhh!! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING!!!!!
Mal-Why do you care?!? We can do whatever we want?!?
Ben-But you're vandalizing the school
Jay-So what
Carlos-Yeah dude we're rotten to the core.
Ben-What happen to you guys? You changed you you you guys are...*interrupted by Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos laughing*
Ben-What's so funny?
CEJM-It was just a dare*between laughs*
Ben-WHAT?!? You guys scared me
MJCE-*continue laughing*😂😂😂
Ben-Stop laughing!!
ECMJ-* keep laughing and walk away*
Ben-Guys*follows them*

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