Chapter Thirty-One: The Black Bandits

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I couldn't entirely believe what I was seeing.

Surrounding the ring of rocks were a group of ice bears. They were hulking, massive pounds of enormous muscle with dirty white fur coated with snow and grime. Their black eyes studied Diandre and I with primitive hostility as their giant claws raked across the ground.

I didn't move.

Ice bears were extremely dangerous creatures in Winter Court. They normally roamed the mountains in groups, battling any beast that rivaled them. The Ice bears were prideful animals that were so strong and powerful that they could knock down a tree with two blows.

It wasn't until my gaze traveled up from their huge bodies that I noticed riders mounted on top of the bears. Seated on their backs were figures clad completely in black with fabric shielding their entire faces from the bitter cold. All except for their eyes. The riders had small, beady eyes of light brown that surveyed us with obvious interest. Their rough, calloused hands gripped the rippling fur of the ice bears, holding the massive creatures back. Strapped over each of their shoulders were bows and arrows.


The word came out in a baffled, grim whisper.

I knew that we were in real trouble now. Diandre stiffened beside me, weaponless. I could feel the magic pulsing of my sword match the drumming of my heartbeat. All I had was a blade; my bag of weapons was still back at the camp.

"How entertaining," One of the riders grunted. His voice was worn and rough. "It looks as if we stumbled upon some pretty little outsiders."

I squared my jaw, meeting the circle of bandits with a cold, leveled glare.

"I'm no outsider," I told them, drawing my sword in a flourish of ice. The bandits didn't flinch. "I'm a knight of Winter Court, training in Winter Academy."

Their brown eyes rested on my gossamer wings, and the fabric covering their features shifted in the chilling wind.

I reached out and grasped Diandre's wrist in a sharp grip that made him wince. "I'm here to escort this sprite into Queen Mab's custody." I lied, my gaze not lessening as I stared head on at the bandits. The ice bears growled menacingly as they shifted on their huge, matted legs.

Diandre's gray eyes slid down towards my face, and I roughly shoved him down into the snow for good measure. Through my blowing silver hair, I could see the black-clad bandits share a look with each other.

All at once, they began to howl with laughter.

"What an amusing show, little faerie." One bandit bellowed. "But we know you do not speak the truth."

His ice bear stepped forward, its eyes narrowed at me as it bared its rotting teeth.

Diandre got to his feet swiftly, eyeing the bandits as they closed in on their bears. Their ring around us was tightening, the circle compressing us closer to each other.

Another bandit let out a gruff snort.

"You fae and your trickery," he said. "Your kind is built on top of glittering lies. A bunch of foul lies."

The other bandits shouted in agreement as the ice bears stalked closer. My hand tightened on the hilt of my sword. I wasn't sure how I could fight off all of the ice bears and their riders on my own. It would take a miracle.

Diandre crossed his arms over his chest.

"What do you want with us?" He asked, his voice adapting the ever present calmness that it usually did when he was about to enter a fight.

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