Time Machine II

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Ben's POV 

"Uhhh, Alex? How do I do this???!!!" I was panicking because I don't want to touch anything dangerous or something might go wrong. I pulled a lever. Whoooshhh there goes Time Machine II. We found ourselves in a beach. 

Alex's POV

Ben pulled a lever and we time traveled to the time of the dinosaurs. Suddenly I heard Ben whispering "Alex, don't  move." I looked back."AAAAAAHHH!" The dinosaur chased us. And, something cool happened. The time machine turned into a jeep! We both hopped in and it drove deeper into the forest. "I think we lost it." I said. I took a picture of a flying creature.  I wrote down its behavior. Alex saw some baby dinos. She took a video of them. The mother was nearby. The sun was about to set. We slept in a nearby cave.

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