Chapter 3

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We headed to were sai and kakashi sensai would be found we have arrived to our destination sevral minutes ago we went to the 3rd floor of kakashi's apartment

I knocked on the door *knock knock knock*

"Who is it~?" Replied a deep man voice from the other room.

"Its sakura and ino may we please come in i hope we are not bothering yall" i said

Inner sakura

"Maby they are pulling some action inside there hehehe" >3<

"eeewwwww dont think negitive inner thats just gross...they are both men and that would be gay, i dont want to even imagen it its not natural" >\\\\<

Inner sakura

" well, sai acts kind of gay, and kakashi wont stop reading his porn book, hmmmmmmm...? How was it called?, make out paridise! Hehehehehahahahahahaha ^{}^

"You ar unbalivable inner"

Ino lookes at me descusted " eeewwww i dont want to hear your conversations with your inner" >:<>

I looke at ino puzzled "h-how did you know about the conversation me and inner-san are talking about?!"

She turns to me " first of all you said ew and you told her NOT to think negitive and you said they are both men and they're not gay with only those words any baka knows what your talking about"

I made a pocker face and my face turned pink as my hair "oh...right"

"Come in then but make it quick me and sai are working hard on what we are doing" said the deep voice which was no other then kakashi sensai

Inner sakura

Hehehehehehahahahahah he said a quick because me and sai are working hard on what were doing BAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ;{};

I make a froun bjt not respond i dont want kakashi sensai think im weard wich he already thinks i am

"Ahh sakura and ino what brings you girls hear wanting to visit the best sensai you guys know?" kakashi sensai saide very proud whole making a martal art hand sighn

"Actually, no, we are hear cuz we want to tell sai something..." Ino said very shaky

Kakashi's grin dropped to a frown or should i say eye

"Kakashi sensai your not only the greates sensai we know but the most coolest sensai in the world also!" I put my hand on his shoulder

He looks at me and closes his eye with happyness " and you are the most cutiest child i know sakura" he grabes me and dose that think with his fist which you put your fist in someones hair and messes up your hair

" but kakashi sensai!, im a women not a chiled" -.-'

He lookes at me and smiles with his eye " but you will always be my little girl comrade"

"Yes kakashi sensai as you wish" -//////-'

Inner sakura

So imberasing infront of your best friend and her crush hehe -^-

Sai looks at me and ino "hi sakura and Ino i hurd you want to tell me something?"

I come up to him " hi sai we wanted to tell you tha-"

Ino pushes me and takes my line "what sakura wantes to say is that I want to know if you want to got to the mall with ME?"

I tap inos sholder with a froun in my face "excuse me lil miss pushover but we all are going, with other people infact not just you and sai" i said elbowing her " so sai what do you say?"

Ino looked at me with a mad face " sakura-no baka" she wisperd

I look at her with some blue in my forehead and pocker eyes without a mouth and a tornado ontop of my head

" um im not trying to be a party pooper, but can we all go to the movies instead? I really want to see the movie that just came up and i was saving money to go see, well if thats ok with?" Said sai expecting to hear a yes

Ino elbowes me back harder then last time " OF COURS WE CAN SAI, ISNT THAT OK, RIGTH SAKURA?"

i first thought about it i didnt want to go to the movies but i also didnt want sai to think his not welcomed to our group " what movie do you exactly have in mind sai?"

sai looks at me woried " well... I was thinking of ever green 3 if that ok with you?"

Inner sakura


"and dont forget top ten glamers chose that movie as the movie of the year!!!!" (:D

"so sakura is that ok with you ?" Said sai still wating for my answer.

I sit down in kakashi sensai's bed "hmmm? Ok sai well go to the movies insted not because of you, becuas its THE MOVIE OF THE YEAR KIAAAAAA!!!!"

"KIAAAAAAA!!!!" screamed ino

"Evern ino is exited" i said very pleased

" no actually i screamed because you scared me your scream is so high even the dogs hurd that!"

in another part of konoha when sakura screamed

"Aaahhhh what was that sounds like sakura's scream when we talk about sasuke, or when We dared Lee to run fast around her so we could see her panties hehehe" blood coming down kibas nose "isnt that rigth akamarue?

"Woof groof,"

Back to sakura and ino

"Sweet so what time should we go?" Said sai

i stop my motions for a momment and think "......."

Inner sakura

Oh oh you forgot to tell the other guys when to meet at the ramin resturant naruto always gose~

Ino leans to my ear and wispers " sakura are you ok? Did something happen?"

I look at ino " i forgot to tell the guys when do we meet"

ino lookes at me " so lets tell sai and go tell them ASAP!"

"Ok sai so this is what were going to do we are going to meet at the ramin resturant were naruto goes you know the one-"

sai intrupes "yeah yeah the one next to the hospital ok go on"

"Yeah and we meet at 4:30 we will get out of there at 6:00 so we will be there at 6:30 we will whait 7 minutes inside until it 6:37" i start to rush and get up and put on my shoes " dont come any time soon or anytime late we will be wating for you bye sail bye kakashi sensai and have a nice day" i slam the door

Kakashi sensai looks at sai " is she mad or something?"

Ino is holding the door " sorry about that but sakura forgot to twll the other people that are coming with us what time we meet at the resturant"

Kakashi looks alarmed " then you better hurry a ninja without information cant do the mission thats what what my sensai once said" said kakashi very proud

Ino ignoring him says " uh hu, bye sai and kakashi sensai" she slames the door

Kakashi and sai " bye ....ino" 

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