TVD 7x18 Review

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hellllllo beautiful Wattpad people

haven't updated in a while , i know sorry , but my life been a mess and the Civil war Interviews & School shit isn't really helping

this episode broke my heart but every episode does that so let's just dive right into it


It starts with Damon & Stefan ( Marty ) in a car and Damon checking if he's alive or not , Stefan keeps on throwing up blood , Damon's eyes are everything tho

so Damon & Alaric get together , and it really brought back all those Dalaric feels , gosh i miss the first 3 season where there wasn't Hatred or a crazy huntress , it was just the Mikaelsons & the Salvatores fighting over Elena ugh

Val forced Ric to come & help Damon Damon is like ( she probably thought you'd feel good stepping up for an old friend especially since you're planning on marrying his ex ) SAME

Alaric thinks that Damon should spend his time saying goodbye to Stefan instead of saving his own life , i love u Ric but Da Fuq ur saying bruh ? i decided to ignore that & so did Damon

BON BON shows up & i screamed , i missed my babyyyyyyy  , so Alaric goes with him and he's like ( I'm not a big fan of ur brother right now , he broke Caroline's heart ) Wait , whattt ? i understand that they're going to get married in a couple of months but this is a STEROLINE THING , which means they get to solve that together , i know he was treating Caroline like shit but it's between her & Stefan

We see my Beautiful amazing ray of sunshine Stefan two years ago in a bar Trying  to write an apology to Caroline , So that guy in Stefan's body is like draining  everyone's blood out , Which kinda reminded me of Rippah Stefan ,Damon shows up to where the guy in Stefan's body was , but he can't get inside the house

So that guy in Stefan's body who no one cares bout his name makes a deal with Damon , Damon kills Rayna , then he like feeds some humans his blood then kills them so Damon should bring Him a witch that will Transfer him into a new bi vampire , and he will get his brother's Body back
Damon agrees and so do i , i really hope that Guy isn't fucking with us

Damon asks Val to do a locator spell on Rayna so he can kill her , Val is struggling with the spell but it takes two witches to do it ( RIP for Nora & Mary Lou ) Bonnie my beautiful ray of sunshine i swear she's getting prettier & prettier everyday , this bitch was acting scary with Bonnie but she hugged her so we're good turns out that Bonnie was just helping her cuz that's what she was born to do

Enzo shot Rayna and took her , Damon calls Enzo and he's pissed , turns out that Enzo & Bonnie are together , he helped her when Damon decided to take a break , we see Bonnie & That chick eating M&Ms which was kinda cute

That guy in Stefan's body killed everyone when he found out that Damon didn't kill her so he hits the ambulance where Marty was aka Stefan , i swear to god if anything happens to my baby .SHIT IS GOING DOWN

Marty runs off into a house which the other guy can inter unless he's invited in , just as he was bout to Set my baby on fire , my prince appeared DAMON stopping him , turns out that there's a volt that was seeled by a Bennett witch a long time ago and the armory needs Bonnie to open it again

when Bonnie asks what's inside this bitch flips out and cuts her , BITCH U ASKED FOR IT

Val started doing the spell and I'm scare for my babies life , we had some cute moments in Stefan's head , so she succeeds and he's back into his real body , when she disappeared i died i CANNOT lose another heretic

the look on Damon's face when he wakes up tho , anyways Alaric leaves and started throwing shade at Damon , Damon can be an idiot some times but he's a Salvatore 7 Salvatores are my husbands , Val leaves and she's like ( u deserve to be happy ) SAME VAL SAME

Bonnie & Enzo hug and he tell sher bout the pills , she hugs him and she started crying , Damon shows up holding flowers when he started to talk she slammed the door on his face

there goes another ship.


Thannnnnnx 4 readding

adooooooooooooooooore u allllllllllllllllllll


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