Chapter Twenty-Seven: Reconciliation

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The televison blared as love and basketball played on the screen... I've watched this movie a million and one times but I never get tired of it... It was the concept of the movie that kept me coming back.

Two lovers brought together by fate and a simple interest for basketball but at the same time, fate tested their love by putting them through obstacle after obstacle. Just trying to see if their union could with stand the tough times.

In the end, they triumphed not only because their mutual love for basketball would not let them seperate but their love for each other it's self was too strong to be broken...

It was an epic love story that I couldn't help but love... It was my favorite movie, I must confess.

"Terrine honey, your aunt called this morning.." I heard jacob's mom tell me... "What did she say?" "She said that she would like you to call her..." I nodded slightly... "Thank you for giving me the message" I responded.

My senses were now telling me that she was still standing at the living room entry way so my first instinct was to see if she was still there and sure enough , there she stood.

At the entry way, looking at me with some sort of curiousity... "Are you ohkay Ms. Perez?" "I was just wondering.... Do you mind if I tell you something?" I gave her my full attention... "Not at all..."

"When you first came to my home and my son told me about all of the things that has happened to you... My heart broke instantly. Sincerely, it did.

" I prayed on your behave and took you in with open arms because no child nor female should have endured what you went through but I mostly took you in because I've never seen my son more passionate about anyone else as he is with you"

She took her eyes off of me then set them on something in the far distance... "He's all that I have... My one most single pride and joy so tell me, do you care for him as much as he does for you?"

"Yes... I really do" A smile of satisfaction spread across her lips... I knew her grinn was meant to brighten the mood but it only dampened mine. It only reminded me of jacob's smile and how I haven't seen it since the jessie situation started...

"I was only making sure...." She grabbed a set of keys that were lying flat on the counter "Let jacob know that I went grocery shopping for dinner and don't forget to call your aunt" "I won't..." She then turned her back to leave. That prompted me to refocus on the televison screen but that also caused my mind to wonder a bit.

I knew that it couldn't have been a coincidence that she told me what she told me and inturn, the pounding in my chest grew rapid... This was as good a time as any to clear my mishaps with jacob. I couldn't stand him being mad at me anymore...

I stepped into the room and saw him.... He was writing something in his scrapbook... "Jacob?" But he didn't answer...

I approached him in hopes that he'd feel my prescence and when he did, he met my gaze but it was as if he was looking passed me...

I went and sat next to him... Took his hand and filled the gaps between his fingers with mine...

"Jay, I'm sorry. I know I've probably said that too many times already but I don't know how else to make this right. I was wrong for accusing you and for jumping to assumptions before I even heard what you had to say. Just please stop avoiding me."

"So is everything suppost to be better now that you've apologized?" "I didn't say my apology would totally erase the situation. I just don't want to fight anymore..."

"What do you want me to say to that? I forgive you or Everythings ohkay now?" "Jacob, I'm sitting here apologizing and admitting that I was wrong... I rarely ever admitt that I'm wrong but here I am doing it for you. What else can I do?"


"How about trust me.." He took his hand out of mine and got off the bed. "Where are you going?" "I'm gonna go get ready to go to football practice.." He was already shirtless so he just proceeded to tie his hair up with a rubber band. "We weren't done talking.." I said getting up as well..

"Well I'm done talking to you..." "Why are you acting like an ass right now?!" "Because you've been nothing but a bitch to me terrine"

My blood was boiling at a temperature of a hundred degrees... "So is that how you've thought of me all this time jacob? A bitch" "Don't even try that shit with me terrine because you know good and well your not innocent in all this" I couldn't argue with that... The truth hurts right about now.

"I've done nothing but give you affection when all you've done is lash out at me... Scream, accuse then apologize. You say you trust me but you've only proven that to be a lie.."

"I do trust you.." "No, what you have is fucking trust issues that you always let get in between us.... How can I compete with that?"

"But I'm trying jacob... Can't you see that I'm trying? You know how hard I took it when ray got with crystal. My heart is shattered, All I'm trying to do is pick up the pieces."

"So your blaming all your accusations on ray? That's bullshit"

"I wouldn't be accusing you if you weren't acting so fucking suspect all the damn time" "And there you go again... See I can't handle this shit! I'm done.." He walked into the bathroom only for me to follow. "Why the hell are you walking away from me?!"

But I got no reply. "Are you trying to break up with me after you promised me you would never hurt me?" He wasn't answering me, instead he began to run the water for his shower. "So thats it?" "Yeah terrine, thats it.." I felt water sting the rim of my eyes...

Without even thinking, I punched the mirror that stood over the sink so hard, I broke it into millions of shards. "I fucking hate you Jacob!!!"

I went back into the room and went straight for my suitcase... Just grabbing anything of mine and throwing it into the suitcase but I only got so far until jacob flung it across the room.

I was crying up to the point where no air got to my lungs.. "How could you break my fucking heart like this!" "You never gave me your heart to begin with terrine! How can we go on if your not fully invested in to this relationship?"

"Oh my GOD!" I pushed him backwards. "What do I have to do to make you believe that I want you?" I pushed him again. "WHAT!" This time before I got to push him he grabbed both my wrists and held me against the wall... I fought against his strength trying to get free but he was my criptonite in a sense...

He held his face in the crook of my neck as he held me down firmly. My fighting slowly disolved as did my virtue. "Why are you doing this to me jay?"

I looked him in the eyes... Feeling my heart throbe. It was only beating so hard because I was staring into his eyes. He did that to me everytime...

I took his hand and placed it on my pounding heart. I let him feel the beats my heart skipped before it went racing again and just as a tear streamed down my cheek he put my hand on his... My heart beat matched his own...

"The things you said and how you treated me bothered me the most only because I've never wanted anyone as much as I want you terrine... Sometimes I can't sleep all to make sure your alright. You've captured my heart like no other and in those times, I've grown to need you next to me." "What are you trying to say?"

"I think I'm falling in love you terrine..." He said... A smile forced it's way through my tears as more emerged.

I've never felt anything like this before... Knowing that the person you care so much for feels the same. Everyday I strived to see his smile because that was the only thing that could make me smile, genuinely. He made my days a bit brighter then the shade of grey they once were.

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