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80 minutes later, the two students separated as Alex was headed towards her locker and two of her best friends. She felt lonely walking down the hallway - usually she had Tom to keep her company, but now she was all alone. It might seem stupid, but the girl had started to feel lonely even when she was surrounded by a lot of people. Even worse when she was completely on her own. The laughter coming from people around her seemed to echo harshly, and everyone seemed to be so happy - the girl herself felt almost claustrophobic, surrounded by her own aura of negativity.

She quickly reached her locker, all the evil thoughts being pushed to the back as she did. She could see two of her best friends standing there; Isaac, a blonde, curly-haired boy with bright blue eyes together with a short dark-skinned brunette named Rebecca. They were, together with Tom, her absolute best friends. The four of them hardly ever separated except for when they had different classes, but sometimes not even then. She smiled as she saw them, quickening up her pace and walking up to them.

"Sup frylock" Alex said, looking at the two of them eyeing her confused. "Did neither of you catch that reference?" Alex muttered, when she didn't get any response from the two of them. The two of them exchanged a look, before shrugging. The red-haired girl sighed, shrugging her shoulders. "Sucks being the only cultured person in the group." Alex turned around to her locker and put in her bag before turning around again.

"I'm feeling extra annoying today, so I think it would be best if we went over to the cafeteria quickly so we can stop my mouth from going on about shit you don't care about and spewing sarcastic comments, don't you think?" Isaac said, looking at the amused redhead.

"Honey, you wouldn't even know what sarcasm is. You don't have intelligence to understand the meaning of the word," Alex retorted, making Rebecca laugh.

"Fucking ouch," she spoke loudly, chuckling at the way Isaac's expression turned into a sour face. 

"Hold it there Rebecca, the only f-word I'm accepting right now is food, let's go," Isaac said, making Alex snort. Instead of fighting more with the boy, she decided to stand on her toes and ruffle his hair slightly.

Isaac never minded that she did that, not only because of the fact that his hair was naturally curly and would look the same whatever she did, but also because he had the biggest crush on Alex. He felt a blush rise to his cheeks as she ruffled his hair, but he quickly hid it with a chuckle and tilting his head forward so that he was facing the floor.

Alex decided to give the boy what he wanted, so she linked her arm into the others, and started the walk to the cafeteria. The thing Alex liked the most with her friends was that they literally could start a conversation about anything, and it was still the most interesting thing in the world.

As they reached the cafeteria they got lined up in the queue, patiently waiting for the food. It was in that moment that Alex could see a wild Emmett Cullen make his way over to her. He was smirking, looking angelic as he walked through the cafeteria dressed entirely in white, the color blending in with his fair complexion. Alex waved at the boy, as he placed himself next to her in the queue.

"Hey little spitfire," he chuckled, obviously referring to her red hair, making her roll her eyes with a grin on her lips. "Just wondering if you drove here on your own or something?"

"Nah, I walked."

"Great, then you'll be going in my car over to my place later. Meet me in the parking lot after class."

"Riding with you... I don't know, something just sounds... unsafe," she spoke, looking at him with narrowed eyes. He wiggled his eyebrows before he ruffled her hair and turned around laughing at her annoyed face. 

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"See you soon ginger." He said, chuckling at the girls annoyed expression with the nickname.

"Yeah, yeah, see you later you walking pile of steroids." She said, looking at the boy with a smug expression. "And not the hair, Cullen!" she half yelled at the boy, making him laugh. She shook her hair out, before moving forward in line and picking everything she wanted, making her way over to their regular table. As she sat down, Rebecca came and slammed her tray down across from Alex.

"What the hell was that?" she said, looking extremely confused.

"What?" Alex said, looking at her friend with furrowed eyebrows. Isaac soon joined in, setting his tray down next to Alex's own. The chair to Alex's left remained empty since that was Tom's place and he'd decided to stay at home. That bitch.

"Well, maybe the fact that you just had a conversation with the most attractive guy I've ever seen. What's up with that?" Becca said as she sat down at the table, looking slightly flustered.

"Shush Becca, you're supposed to be gay." Isaac said, earning a glare and a slap on the shoulder from his friend.

"I'm bisexual Isaac, get your facts straight. I'm down for that," Rebecca said, before turning her eyes to the redhead in front of her. "Explain, goddamit."

"Chill out Becca, you want him that bad huh?" Alex said while smirking at her friend, getting a baby carrot thrown in her direction as answer. "Oh, back to third grade I see."

"I just want to know, how did you end up becoming Cullen's best friend over day? I mean, we leave you alone for one history class and you go out and replace us directly. Taking it to heart Lex."

"Well, if you so badly want to know... Tom didn't show up today because he is too weak to handle his alcohol, and we started a new project in history today so I got paired up with Cullen. End of story."

"I want him." Rebecca said, looking at him from across the cafeteria, tearing up a piece of bread as she narrowed her eyes at the boy. Alex, feeling slightly creeped out, changed the subject quickly.

Lunch passed by quickly, as well as the remaining two classes of the day and Alex soon found herself in the school hallway, walking out together with Isaac. Rebecca hadn't finished yet, since she took extra math courses to help her get her grades. Alex had offered to help but Rebecca had declined, saying it wasn't agood idea to mix friendship and schoolwork for her, as she had a tendency to get frustrated and angry when she didn't understand things.

Pushing the heavy door open, Alex quickly spotted Emmett standing by a big jeep, together with one of his brothers. Blonde curls on the top of his head, a pale complexion that only madehis black eyes stand out more. His eyes differed a lot against Emmett's goldenones, a trait she thought everyone in the Cullen family shared. She'd obviouslybeen wrong, since the blonde boy's eyes were the darkest ones she'd ever seen.

When she was done creeping, she made her way over to the brothers who seemed to be in some kind of an argument. She waved goodbye to Isaac who seemed a little bit reluctant, but he then left anyways, not wanting to annoy the girl. When she was close to the brothers, Emmett and the other one looked up at her, Emmett with a big smile on his face.

"Hey there Dexter," he said, slinging an arm around her shoulder in a friendly manner. Alex just rolled her green eyes at the goofy boy, before looking up at the even taller boy, with a more slender build. He looked at her with his black eyes, clenching his jaw tightly from what Alex could see. The look they exchanged what intense but short, and he quickly turned around and left the two of them standing there. Emmett sighed and turned around, leading the pretty redhead toward the jeep. He got in, as did she, and he quietly rolled out of the parking lot.

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