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Hey guys!! I'm going to add at least two chapters if you don't hear from me very often. Luv u guys!! Enjoy the chapter. Pic is of the wolfsbane plant!! Ignore the yellow plant behind it, that's the angels trumpet.

Jessica's POV

Hey, ummm Jennifer? Who was that girl that you were talking to? It wasn't your wolf, and it obviously wasn't you, so who is she?

The words echoed in my head over and over again. I couldn't bring myself to come up with an explanation, but I could her say nothing at all, so I told him this.

"She came along with my wolf. I had a twin that died in the womb, so I guess that Jessica is my twin's soul..."

He just stayed quiet, stealing guilty glances at me.

I then got fed up with all the silence, and said," Babe, its okay. I never knew her. We were born connected by out right and left hands. They were in the perfect grip, like this." And I grabbed his hand and held it to my side.

He sighed, and asked this. "Is that the small outlined scar on your right hand?" "Yeah. She was kind of dependant on me. She didn't have any major organs, so I was her life source pretty much."

I then just sighed and hugged him. He hugged me back, and then started the car. We drove off, and made it to the pack house at around 5:45 pm. I got out, and Alex took me to his bedroom.

I fell asleep, and Alex left the room.

Alex's POV

I sighed and closed the door. She has been through so much, and acted like it was nothing. I just don't want her to end up hurting herself so badly where she ends up in the hospital.

I walked to the kitchen, and grabbed an apple. Just as I was about to take a bite, I was pulled into an awkward hug. "Oh, my baby boy!! Where have you been?!?! I've been worried sick about you. Did you find your mate? Is she pretty? Is she an omega? Is she a runt? Did she run away from her pa-" I cut her off. My mom is so annoying when it comes to us kids.

"Mom. Its okay. I'm okay, and so is Jennifer. She's my mate, and from the Moon Lit pack. She -" My mom cut me off this time.

"Wait, wait, wait. Did you say the Moon Lit pack?!?! They've been to every pack looking for a slave that's run away. Is that her?"

I was stunned. Her pack said that they wouldn't bother us if I let her get one last beating in. And I let them, but they wouldn't stop there, obviously.

"Umm, mom? I need to talk to you..." I motioned her over.

"What is is Alex? Why is she not here, meeting the pack?"
I mentally sighed. She isn't very easy at all to talk to when it comes to these things.

"Well, you see mom, she was the betas daughter, but then she shifted for the first time, and her pack would beat her for being a hybrid. She jumped off a building, and I found her bleeding out on the cement. She is beautiful in every way, and I will do anything and everything to get that packs claws off of my mate."

My mom looked at me, shocked. She then smiled, patted my arm and said,"Well, sweetie, I'll call the council and talk to them. I'll try to get them to let her stay with us, so that we can have her as our Luna. I love you, sweetie." "I love you too mom."

I smiled at her and walked to my room. Jennifer was asleep still, and I just stared at her. She is so beautiful. I love her all my heart, wolf, and being.

I was jarred out of my thoughts when she started thrashing around, screaming out, asking to not get hit. I grabbed her, and held her down.

She struggled, and tried to get out of my grasp. I just held her tighter, whispering small things into her ear. She finally calmed down, and I got her to go back to sleep. She looked so troubled, and I hated that she had to go through these every night at her old pack.

I finally got to go to sleep, and just for an extra comfort, I wrapped my arms around her waist, and hugged her as I passed out.

Hey, guys! What'd you think about Alex's mom? Comment, vote, and I'll try to do a face reveal in chapter 10.😝 (message me if the emojis don't show. I'll try to do something about it.
782 words.

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