Hi, I'm Victorious Jones and I go to Brooklyn High School, Chicago Illinois. I am 18 years and it's my senior year, here at Brooklyn High. I am light skinned and have a long brunette colored hair. I have a lot of friends, but I have three that are the most important to me. Harmony, Demonte and Melissa.Harmony Wade is 18 years old also and also goes to Brooklyn High. She is brown skinned, has beautiful hair, and other features. She has long hair, part of it dyed brown. She's cute, thick, funny and short and spoiled.
Demonte Perez is 17 years old, also goes to Brooklyn High. She is also light skinned. She is mixed and has a brunette colored hair, and is funny.
Melissa Brooks is 18 years old, also goes to Brooklyn high, has long blonde hair and a pretty face. She is spoiled, tall, funny and likes to party.