Jin's house
"She's coming to live with me" Jin said
"What? Why!" Suga said looking at Jin
"Because you don't give two shits about her anymore. All because she's dating Jungkook" Jin said sternly
"I don't-" Suga was cut off
"Bro it doesn't matter if you don't want her dating anyone. She's old enough to know who is going to do her wrong" Namjoon added in
"Hyung accept us already!" Jungkook shouted
"I'm leaving" Suga said walking out while slamming the door
"So Hyung you're really taking Jiwoo?" Jungkook asked
"Yes she needs a good home" Jin nodded
"Cool.. But we should go to the hospital" Jungkook said
"Oh right lets go" Jin said running into the car
At the hospital"Excuse me nurse?" Jin said rushing in
"What can I do for you" The nurse smiled at Jin
"We're here to see a Min Jiwoo" Jin said
"She's right down the hall" The nurse pointed to the room
"Thank you" Jin bowed politely
"Hyung wait.. I'm tired" Jungkook said out of breath
"Alright I'll wait" Jin said sitting down
"Thank you" Jungkook said catching his breath
"You guys finally arrived" Sooyoung said
"Yeah we're here" Namjoon said
"Good cuz she's woke now" Sooyoung smiled at them
"Um..do you know who saved her?" Jimin asked
"No one knows but I'm glad she's not dead" Sooyoung sighed
"But you don't even like her" Jungkook stated
"Yeah but I can't wish death on them. Kookie I'm not that mean" Sooyoung said then walked away
"I thought she was cool with Jiwoo?" Jin asked
"No she bullied her when she first got to school" Jungkook said sighing
"Why didn't either of you tell us?" Jin said sternly
"Cuz she handled it well" Jungkook said standing up
"Let's go see her" Jin said walking to the room
"Jiwoo!!" Jimin said running towards her bed
"Um..hi?" Jiwoo said slightly confused
"How are you?" Jin asked
"Fine I guess" Jiwoo shrugged
"You're head is bleeding!" Jungkook shouted
"Will you claim down" Jiwoo yelled back
"Sorry.." Jungkook pouted
"I got this when I fell into river" Jiwoo said touching it
"Oh..I'm glad you're okay" Taehyung said
"I'm not. Why does everyone keep saving me! I don't want to be saved! Next time don't save Me" Jiwoo said loudly
"Calm down no one wants you to die" Namjoon said
"Yoongi does cuz he hates me. He doesn't even come to see me" Jiwoo croaked
"Well you're boyfriend is here" Namjoon said trying to lighten up the mood
"Yeah I'm glad he's here" Jiwoo smiled at Jungkook
"Can I lay down with you?" Jungkook asked
"Sure come on hot stuff" Jiwoo said moving over
"Yay!" Jungkook jumped onto the bed wrapping his arms around Jiwoo's waist
"Oh my god! My baby is growing up" Jin said fake crying
"Aish hyung be quiet" Jungkook blushed lightly
"You guys are so cute" Jimin squealed
"Dude you're not a girl" Taehyung said hitting Jimin on the head
"Ow! That hurts bitch!" Jimin said hitting Taehyung back
"Stop being a damn girl then!" Taehyung said punching Jimin in the arm
"Hyung! Taehyung hurt me" Jimin whined to Namjoon
"Bro man the hell up. 19 years old" Namjoon said dismissing Jimin
"I hate you guys" Jimin said
"I hate you too bitch" Taehyung laughed
"Yah! Taehyung leave him alone" Jin scolded
"Fine.." Taehyung said
"Where is Hobi oppa" Jiwoo asked
"Being a hoe" Jimin said softly
"He also doesn't come to see me" Jiwoo pouted
"He's probably at my house with another guy" Jimin sighed
"He's with another guy?" Taehyung asked
"He's always with them" Jimin stated
"Why?" Taehyung said getting angry
"Are you jealous?" Jimin smirked
"No!" Taehyung said
"Ok so while they talk Jiwoo lets talk" Jin said
"About what?" Jiwoo asked
"Family" Jin smiled
"I don't want to live with him anymore" Jiwoo confessed
"Why is that?" Jungkook asked
"Because he doesn't want me there" Jiwoo said voice cracking
"You can live with us.. If you want" Jin suggested
"But where would I sleep?" Jiwoo asked
"You can sleep with Kookie " Namjoon said smiling.
"Are you okay with that?" Jiwoo asked Jungkook
"Of course we could do Netflix and chill" Jungkook smirked
"You're disgusting" Jiwoo pushed him off the bed
"Ow! My butt muscles hurt now" Jungkook pouted rubbing his butt
"To be in the hospital you sure is strong" Hoseok said stepping into the room
"Hobi oppa!!" Jiwoo yelled excitedly
"Who is that guy?" Jimin asked pointing at the person Hoseok brought in
"Oh him.. This is Kim Jongin my boyfriend" Hoseok smiled
"Wait isn't he the guy that you cuddled with and kissed and shit?" Jimin asked
"Yup he's the one"Hoseok said smiling more
"Hyung I think you're finally in love" Jimin said
"I've always been in love.. With Jongin that is" Hoseok chuckled
"Does he go to our school?" Jiwoo asked
"No why?" Hoseok asked
"He looks familiar" Jiwoo said looking at him closely
"Well um..?" Hoseok said confused
"Jongin? Kim Jongin.. Ah right you were THAT Kim Jongin" Jiwoo said remembering him
"I'm sorry but do I know you?" Jongin asked
"No but you remember a Min Yoongi?" Jiwoo asked
"Yeah he was my first love" Jongin said
"But you broke his heart. You're the one that made him scared to date anyone" Jiwoo said yelling
"Shit!" Jongin sighed
"But let's drop it" Jiwoo said
"Anyways.. Jiwoo ready to leave?" Jin asked
"Yup let's go" Jiwoo said standing up
It's not long today
But here you guys go
New chapter
Hope you like itMomo out✌️✌✌✌