Chapter Nine

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One Week Later
SS3 rolled over in her bed and looked at the clock.
3:00 AM
She hadn't fallen asleep anyway. Might as well get up.
She got up, got dressed, and walked quietly down to the training room.
She felt along the wall till she found a light switch. She flipped it and the massive training room was lit up.
SS3 scanned the room until she found what she wanted to do.
She walked over to the large sand bag that was hanging from a chain.
She settled her feet in the balanced position and struck. Left. Right. Left. Left. Right.
Faster and faster until she lost track of time. She finally stopped when she noticed the little red marks she was leaving on the sand bag.
She looked down at her bloody knuckles and decided to stop but, as she walked away she swung back around and kicked the bag for good measure. It went flying across the room and hit the wall. Breaking on impact. Sand flew everywhere.
"That's wonderful." She mumbled to herself not hearing the door open and close behind her.
"Don't worry." A voice said from the doorway. "It happens to me too."
SS3 turned to see Steve standing in the doorway leaning against the frame.
"Sorry." She said monotonously.
"Don't be." Steve said as he walked over and set up another punching bag.
"Can't sleep?" SS3 asked.
"More like choose not to. You?"
"Choose not to."
Steve noticed the blood on her hands and reached for one. She pulled her hand away.
"Let me see." He said seriously.
She lifted her hand so he could see it.
"You know, that won't happen if you use the tape." Steve said.
"I didn't have time for that." SS3 said grabbing another sandbag and hanging it next to Steve's.
She took once swing at it. Then, stopped due to her burning knuckles.
Steve looked over at her and sighed. "Here." He said tossing her a roll of boxing tape.
She looked at it awkwardly for a moment not knowing what to do with it.
Steve saw her confusion and took it from her hand. He wrapped the tape around her blistered knuckles.
"Try it now." Steve said.
SS3 took one swing at it. It hurt a lot less.
"That's better." She said redirecting her focus to the punching bag. She took a few swings.
Steve looked at her a few times before saying...
"Mind if I-"
"No." SS3 said with her eyes fixed on the punching bag.
"Okay." Steve took a few more punches.
Ss3 looked over at Steve and tried to copy his technique. She positioned her feet similar to his and tried to punch. It was much different from her usual fighting style but, it seemed more effective. She stumbled a bit.
Steve noticed but didn't say anything.
"Let me at least give you a tip." Steve finally said.
"Fine. What?"
"Do it again." Steve said as he watched carefully.
She did exactly what she had done before.
"Widen your stance. Bend your knees. Center your weight." Steve said.
She did all those things but, got the same results.
"Try your other hand." Steve said.
"Does it really matter what hand I punch with?"
"Yes. Try the other one."
SS3 rolled her eyes and punched with her left hand. In annoyance, she punched the bag with all her strength. It went flying backwards into the wall.
"There's the problem." Steve said.
"What problem?" SS3 said, almost offended.
"You're left-handed."
"What does that mean?" SS3 asked confused.
"Well, mostly it means the hand that you're most dominant in. Like the one you write with."
"Well that's probably why..." SS3 mumbled.
"What do you mean? Can't you write?" Steve said confused.
"I don't know. I've never tried." SS3 said.
"But, you can read right?"
"Of course I can read Steve." SS3 said obviously annoyed by the subject. "I just never learned that's all."
"I could teach you if you want." Steve said.
SS3 was surprised. "And why would you do that for me?"
"Why not?" Steve answered.
Just then the door opened and Vision came into the training room.
"I do hope I'm not interrupting anything..." He said. "but, Dr. Banner would like to speak to you."
SS3 nodded and turned to Steve.
"Thanks." She said.
"Anytime." Steve said before refocusing on the punching bag.
She turned and walked out the door towards the lab.
Vision looked toward Steve and nodded. Steve nodded in return before Vision turned and followed SS3 down the hall.

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