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Flash forward in Marina's life. She had moved to America to restart her life. She got to America six weeks after she had escaped the hospital. When she arrived she found an apartment and went to school to become a nurse with the help of her father who she was now mending fences with. Marina met a man while in America. After 4 months of dating her and her new lover Scott were engaged. She skipped out on her usual heart breaking ways and let her self fall for the handsome business lawyer but, she came to realize it was a silly mistake when she walked down the isle in her baby pink wedding dress and her fiancé was no where to be found. She didn't understand and couldn't figure out how to deal with it. She didn't see it coming. She went through deep depression for some time but, was believed to have been rehabilitated after several sessions of therapy. Marina got a job as a nurse and regained a relationship with her father. Although she no longer had the love of a man Marina was quit content, or at least she deceived everyone into to believing she was alright.

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