My name is felo104, but my friends and family call me Felon. I'm 15 years old and live in the town Minecraftia. You may be wondering, "Why does the chapter title say 'What is Happening'!'" Well, let me tell you from the beginning.
I was walking back to my house with my friend Levin. Levin is a good friend of mine and is also my neighbor. "Hey guess what?" I looked over at Levin who was jumping around excitingly. "What?" "I'm turning 14 tomorrow!!!" I then remembered it was his birthday tomorrow. He stopped jumping and looked and looked at me seriously. "Did you forget about my birthday?" I nodded my head, and then started to shake it. He moans and then punches me. "I thought we were best friends." I looked sad and said in a villager accent, "I sowy." He laughed and I punched him on the arm. "Can I be forgiven?" He nodded and smiled. "See you tomorrow?" He nodded and started running to his house. I walked the rest of the way to my house by myself.
"Mom! I'm home!" I yelled, putting my backpack next to the door. My dad looked up from his newspaper and smiled. "Heya son! How was school?" I shrugged and went into the living room. I saw my mom on Minebay buying parts for a tree house. "Hey sweetie!" I went up to her and kissed her on the cheek. "How have you been?" "School was okay." My little sister then came running out of her room and hugged me. "Hey bro bro!" I hugged her back. I walked over to my mom and said, "Can I buy something on Minebay?" My mom laughed and rubbed my head. "For Levin?" I nodded. She smiled and walked into the kitchen. I went on and looked around. After awhile, I decided to buy him a gold sword, since it was the only sword I could buy. I clicked on the purchase button. On the item it said it should arrive buy tomorrow afternoon. That should be good. I went into my room and started to do my homework.
After a few minutes my mom knocked on the door. "May I come in?" "Yes mom!" I closed my textbook and got off my bed. My mom walked in and closed the door behind her. She was holding something behind her back. "What's behind your back?" She looked sad for a minute and then handed me an envelope. "Do you remember when me and your father told you about the corporation?" I nodded and looked down at the letter. "Do I have to go?" I asked, because I really didn't want to. "If you want to save yourself yes, but if you want to save the town and make me proud, no you have to go." I thought about it for a minute and sighed. "Let me read the note first." "Alright then." My mom then sat on my bed. I sat next to her and opened the note.
Dear felo,
You have been chosen to come and help the town. You will be gone for around 15 years or less, depending on how you do. While training, you may chose what kind of skill in fighting you would like. That includes archery, hand-to-hand combact, or magics. Two guards will arrive at your house tomorrow at 10:00 pm to pick you up. Take little belongings, that means you can not bring secret weapons. For we will provide you that and clothes.
Professor Mark,
"It's your choice felo." My mom said, walking out of my room. I put the note on my desk and laid on my bed, lost in my thoughts. That would mean I would see Levin for the last time on his brithday. After awhile of thinking I finally decided. I would go on Minebay and decline the sword for Levin, go to the weapon store, buy one myself, and give it to him before I leave. I nodded in agreement to my plan. I went over to my desk and checked on how much money I had. "Dang it. This is only enough to buy a stone sword." I sighed. "Great.......maybe I can get two wooden swords for him." I heard another knock on my door. "Come in." The door opened to reveal that my sister was the one who knocked on it. "Are you really leaving?" She asked, getting onto my bed. I sat on the next to her and nodded. "Tomorrow, at 10 pm." She looked down sad and said, "Will you come back?" "Of course I will!" She smiled and got off my bed. "Okay then, as long as you come back I'm good." She walked to my door and then looked back at me. "See you later!" She said, walking out of my room. I went back onto the computer in the living room and went onto Minebay. "What are you doing?" I turned around and saw it was my dad. "Hey dad! I was just doin' something." My dad nodded and rubbed my head. "K son! I'm going to go out. Want to come?" "Sure, just give me a second." I declined the order and got up. "Okay, let me go get my money." My dad nodded and went into the kitchen. "I'll be in the kitchen when you're ready!" "Okay!" I replied. I went into my room, grabbed my money, and then met my dad in the kitchen. "Okay son, let's go." I nodded and followed him out the door.
"I'm going to be at the store. Meet me here in 30 minutes, okay?" "Okay dad!" I waved good-bye as my dad walked out of view. Once he was gone I started heading to the weapons store.
"Hey there mate! What can I do for ya'?" The cashier said, in an Australian accent. "Can I have two wooden swords?" The cashier nodded and went into the back door that was behind the cash register. After about, 3 minutes, he came back with two wooden swords. "That'll be 4 gold ingots mate! Would you like it wrapped?" I nodded, gave him the four ingots, and he went to the back again. After another 2 minutes he came back with one huge wrapped present. "Now that'll be 6 ingots." I sighed and gave him two more ingots. "Have a nice day!" "You too." I walked out with my wrapped swords. Hopefully I don't run into.... "Hey felo!" I turned around and saw that it was.....LEVIN! I hid the present behind my back and smiled. So much for not running into him... "What's behind your back?" "N-nothing! Just something for!" Levin smirked and rolled his eyes. "Okay, if you say so." "So I sort of have bad news and good news." He looked at me and asked, "Bad news first." I sighed and looked down. "Tomorrow is....the last day I see you until 15 years." He looked confused. "And the good?" "I was selected to by the corporation to help save the town!" I did a high five but he didn't high five it. "But, tomorrow is the last day I see you. On my birthday!" I hugged him. "At least I didn't miss your B-day!" He nodded and hugged me back. "Levin! We have to go!" His mom shouted from across the street. "Okay mom! Gotta go man." I nodded and did a high five, this time he did it. "See you man!" I shouted as he ran to his mom. His mom waved to me and I waved back. After they left I went back to where my dad wanted me to meet him and waited.
"Ah, there you are!" My dad shouted, who was carry a few bags of groceries. "Want some help?" He shook his head and, somewhat, pointed at my present. "You got your hands full already." I nodded and we walked home.
The Next Day: Walking to Levin's Birthday
"You got your things?" My mom asked. I nodded. "Huh, we won't see you in....well, a very long time." My dad said. "Yeah, I'm going to miss you bro bro." My sister said, who was riding on my dad's back. I laughed and patted her head. "I'm going to miss you too sis!" "Okay, 2 hours before they come you go home. Okay?" My mom said. I nodded and hugged her. I also hugged my sister and dad. They left me at Levin's door and I knocked on it. On the other side I heard about 6 other kids and a few adults. Mike opened the door and shouted, "Hey what up man!!!!!" "You don't have to shout!" I shouted back to him. He laughed and let me in. Inside Levin was in the living room talking to Kate, Chris, Carlo, Jerry, and Wendy. "Guys! Felo's here!" Everyone looked up and waved at me. Levind got up from the couch and hugged me. "You made it!" "Of course!" "You can put that over there if you want," Levin said, while pointed near a table that had 7 presents on it. I placed my present on the table and sat on the couch with everyone. "So, Felo, heard you got selected." Kate said. I nodded. "No way! I was supposed to be the first one!" Carlo wined. Everyone laughed, including me. "But, aren't you scared? Or worried?" Chris said. Wendy nodded in agreement. I shrugged and asked, "Why should I be?" "I've heard that every person that went there has gone missing, wanted to stay there, or died." Wendy said, in a worried tone. "Just like the Flower's brother." Chris said. Everyone looked confused at Chris, and then he sighed. "It was on Craftbook." "I don't have that." I said. Levin and Carlo did a I-don't-have-that-too nod. "Oh yeah! Flower's had a bigger brother that died there. It happened a few days ago. They then took her with another guy named.....uh.....I think his name was James." Kate said. Everyone was shocked, but I was scared. "Wait, so we...will never see Felo again?" Levin said. "Maybe he'll be lucky!" Wendy said, trying to lighten up the mood. "I hope so," I said. Everyone nodded and said nothing for awhile. "Soooo, when are you leaving?" Chris and Carlo said at the same time. "This evening or afternoon." Everyone gasped and said, "No!" I nodded sadly. "Well, then Levin has to open your present first." Jerry said. Mike nodded in agreement before everyone else did. "Okay then! Fine by me!" I said. "Can't wait to see what it is." Levine said happily.