You ran down stairs and heard what sounded like your bedroom wall falling down. You wanted to leave this building as quickly as possible. When you ran down stairs and opened the door, there was a Hispanic elf boy sitting down on a massive bronze/metal dragon.
"Hi you must be (y/n)(l/n), I'm Leo Valdez I presume you realise why I'm here"
"No not at all can you please explain""......."
"Oh sorry" Leo said, rapidly putting the wires in his pocket,"I thought it was explained in the phone call. Well we were told to come here to pick up a very powerful demigod."
Your jaw dropped. It finally clicked in your brain. Leo Valdez was in front of you on Festus, saying you were a Demigod.
"(Y/n), Earth to (y/n) ", Leo said clicking his fingers in your face as a worried look formed in his face,"sorry to interrupt your day dreaming, but your house has just lost half of it to a Minotaur. If you don't mind I would rather not die today."
"Sorry, let's go "
"Okay, off to camp halfblood"
Time skip brought to you not believing in reality anymore
When you finally came back to real time, after you thinking it was all fake, you realised you were on the back of Festus gripping onto Leo Valdez waist.
Was this even real, were you actually going to camp half-blood. Maybe you would met the rest of the seven, maybe even if you were lucky you would meet, the one book character you feel in love with the second Uncle Rick introduced him to the series.( I dare you to guess who it is )
Suddenly you felt your eyes struggling to stay open. After a long time of fighting the urge the keep them open, you suddenly gave in , but not because you gave up but only because you suddenly felt so weak and blacked out.A/N
Guys I'm so dedicated to this I hope you realised in this chapter alone there is just under 350 words. Let me know if you are enjoying the story.
I also want to know if ye want a separate book of one shoots done because if you have any certain requests I would love to do it. You can comment or DM me.
Also if your the artist to any of the art I use tell me I would love to give credit where credit is due.
One last thing I would like to tell you I hope to update at least once every weekend if not twice

Nico di Angelo x reader your life together
FanfictionThis story is about your life in camp halfblood and after with Nico di Angelo. The ups and downs and a few surprises DISCLAIMER I don't own anything uncle rick owns the charachters and I will give credit for any art I use