Chapter 11: Evil Rapist Clowns With Red Balloons

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It's been two weeks since I last seen Rose and that's not like her to do that at all like eveyday she comes to clean the house.I called her mom and she hasn't been there either this is really bad. I hear a knock on the door and go as quickly as I can to the door hoping that it's Rose.

But when I answer the door it was a guy that I don't know.

"Hi is Rose here? She hasn't come to work for a while. "

Oh it's her boss.

"Plus we were supposed to have dinner and I was worried. "

What for one this guy isn't fazed that Im Zayn Malik not that it matter at the moment but he was going to go out to dinner with her. Wow.

"I really don't know were she is and it's scaring me man it's not like her at all to do this....uhh"

"Luke. "

"Yeah But what is your realtionship with Rose? If I might ask?" He said.

"She is my best friend also my maid. "

Well not exactly my maid but..

"She works hard all the time plus her Dad is the hospital. "

"I know she does and sometimes she works a little too hard. But this is a little odd that she hasn't shown up in a couple of weeks. I was about to go look for her I think I have hunch to were she might be at. " Luke explains and I decide to hold all grudges that I have on him aside for Rose's sake and go with him to look for her.


I hear something at the door like banging like someone trying to knock down the door. I hope I'm right and it's someone going to save me from this cold and run down room. The door flies open and my guess is right and it's Zayn I so over joyed but soon his face turns and blurs and when it's back in focuse I notice it's not Zayn but one of the Teenage Mutan Ninja Turtles.

I soon notice a clown in the corner of the dark room with a red balloon in hand and his

creepy face smiling towards me it's singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star slowly and quietly that's it's so creepy.Then in an instant the creepy clown is flashed in front of my face and starts stabbing me while singing. That's when I wake up from my dream and I felt pain in my heart lime I really had been stabbed to death which at the moment isn't really that swell.

I then heard someone at the door and sure hope it not like a dream within a dream thing the person that comes through the door is Malcum which I really didn't expect to be here like at all.

He comes closer too me and instantly I flinch thinking he's going to him me like he did many times before. But to my surprise he didn't he just put his finger to his lips signaling to be quiet. Which I did and he untied my ropes on my chair which really did confuse me alot.

I just stared at his brown eyes that always seemed to entrance you,don't get me wrong but I did acullaly love him but I don't know something stopped me from loving him maybe it was the beatings he'd give me every once in a while. Or the foul words he'd say to me maybe even when he'd get drunk and do all the things at once but attuis moment the love that I used to feel for him came rushing back and I kind of missed it. But I knew what I wanted to have with him would happen he would always be Malcum.

In a hushed whisper he spoke "I really do love you and Im sorry for all the things I did to you

and I hope that this makes up for at least a little part of if. I'm sorry because of my family and I'm sorry for what I wasn't right at all you didn't need something like that to happen to you. I'm truly sorry. "

He looked at me and even though it was dark I could see the expression he had and it was sinceraty mixed with sadness and yet all I could do was nod not say no I'm sorry for not loving you harder or it's okay it's in the past don't worry about it. But no just a nod. As quickly and as easy as I could I got out of the chair and Malcum stood up and I gave him a hug.

He was really tense but it didn't matter he was saving my life and this was the only thing I could do at the moment to repay him. Even if it wasn't much it had to have some value right he did say he still loved me. But I pulled away and he pionted toward the window behind me which I really didn't notice until now.

Before I knew it I took one last look at him and jumped out of the window which was like five feet off the ground I rolled onto the ground hope it would make a difference on the landing it kind of did but not much.

So I make my way down the scary street that was lite up by foggy street lamps with a limp hoping no rapists come out and rape me that would be my luck. Well all I have to do is find out where I am and I'll find my way back home or at least to the guys house. Whichever was closes.

This place is so creepy like what you see in horror films were the only surviving female star is alone and demons are chasing after her and when she finally thinks she got away and when she goes to turn around there they are in her face and BOOM she's dead and the movie cuts out.

This is not helping my situation at all I have a limp I smell bad I have a few bruies and I have this feeling that there is a rapist following me. Well I have a familar thought of were Im at but I don't know the exact street name though but I have an idea of were to get to the boys house from here. Let's hope my memory is good and no rabit clowns with red balloons come after me while Im here in the dark.


Well Luke and I went to the book store and Starbucks some places I acually never thought Rose would go well except Starbucks I knew she went there but I had no clue she loved books. It's really awkward in here considering being with Luke he says he likes Rose but I can't judge him couse I didn't even know she liked books and I say I love her.

I was about to say something but I saw someone down the street limping at first I couldn't see who it was but soon after they got in the light I noticed it was Rose.

"Luke stop the car there's Rose righ there!!" I yell and he stops the car and we both go racing out the car to her.

I get to her first she looked thinner and sick which made me concered. My first instinct is to hug her.

"Are you okay? Where were you?" I ask franticly,Luke is now with both of us and he asks the same question.

"Im fine just a little lite headed And limping. " She answers softly but as quickly as she said that she passed out in my arms. Oh no this can't be good.

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