The great Tic-Tac war!

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I was at my friends' house (another s/o to SophieJediKnight) when I saw she had some Tic-Tac's! I was like "oooooh gimme," and so I stole one small, tiny, little container. So I ate them all. La-dee-freaking-da. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!!!!!!!

I started to eat more, and more, and more until she became concerned about me and tried to take them away. I might have freaked out a little bit. (Okay, maybe a lot) So, she stole the container and told me I can have a Tic-Tac if I answer questions correctly. If not, she read a sad part in a story (PJO and HoO. Rude.) 

Eventually, I got tired of it and snapped. I grabbed the container of Tic-Tac's and started to laugh like a crazy person... that didn't last very long. She tackled me and tried to get the container out of my hands. I was having none of it. I practically kicked her and quickly rolled away. She was also having none of it. She tackled me again and grabbed my wrist and started pulling. I pulled my hand away quickly and poured some Tic-Tac's in my hand and put them in my mouth quickly. This went on for about three minutes.

*takes break b/c we're out of breath and I ate them all* 

"Okay, we're going to do a small experiment. Are you ready? I'm going to hold this jar which has some Tic-Tacs in them for thirty seconds," she says. That was the longest thirty seconds of my life. After thirty seconds, she smiled."Good, good. Now, I'm putting it in front of you. I want you to stare at this for thirty seconds," I frown. Then she grabs handcuffs. 

"UMMM why do you have handcuffs out?????" I asked. She put them down next to the jar.

"Just in case you get wild again. Okay... go!" she yelled. I stared at it and almost made it. I quickly threw the handcuffs to the other side of the room and grabbed the jar... I didn't get any Tic-Tacs. "UGH!!!! You  were so close!!! TWENTY-EIGHT SECONDS. YOU HAD TWO MORE SECONDS TO GO."

*Eats dinner and comes back to Tic-Tacs*

"Okay, do you want some Tic-Tacs?" she asked. I shrugged. As much as I liked them, I did just eat and I was kinda full.

"Nah mate. Not now." I said. Then her sister came in with, like,  A MILLION TIC-TACS IN HER HAND AND I JUST LOST IT. My friend had to hold me back. I almost chased her little sister (FYI her sister is like one year (two years? one and a half?) younger than her, so chill) it was crazy. Two minutes later, her sister came back in the room. (I'm going to call her Lacy, even though that's not her real name)

"Do you want the Tic-Tacs? You can go find them in my room if you want..." Lacy said. I ran into her room and started searching. I found nothing. My friend was having a conversation with Lacy, so I sneaked out of the room quietly and walked to her room. I walked to the jar and started to open it when I heard her say "hey! Where did she go!?"

Maybe I should have shut and locked her door. 

She ran in and saw me opening the jar, and another fight for the jar started. I won. I opened it up to see that the Tic-Tac containers were filled with jelly beans. I stared at her "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?!?" I yelled. She grinned.

"You didn't think I knew you would come in here to get the Tic-Tacs?"

That's when things got crazy.

She grabbed the container she hid, and said "now, let's continue," 

no, I thought. No, I will not continue. YOU HID THEM FROM ME YOU WILL PAY.          

So this time it was I that tackled her. She fell down, then pushed me backwards and I hit my ear on the corner of a box. We were not giving up without a fight. Two minutes later, we decided it wasn't worth it because now we had a thousand scratches and I had a red ear.

And that was the story of the great Tic-Tac war. 

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