I get out of the shower as quickly as I can because I am running late, so I have only a few minutes before dad starts screaming and shouting to be downstairs so we can go.
I stop by the big mirror at my door and unwrap my towell to see myself.
I see my frame there...why do I have to be like this? Fat and ugly. People always tell me that I'm not fat and I'm actually very beautiful.
I know they only say that beacause they're sorry for me.
I quickly go to grab my previously picked outfit: black jeans, blue sneakers and a loose short sleeved sweater so my hideous tummy doesn't show. After I put my hair into a side-braid, I rush downstairs.
Mom is finishing making breakfast for us. Us means my older sister, my little brother, my dad, and me. After I decline it. I take my new bag and hurry my brother.
I go back to the kitchen and kiss mom goodbye on the cheek. "Couldn't you wear something from the clothes I bought for you in New York? Why do you have to wear those clothes? They hide your figure and they're very hideous." mom scowls me.
"Because I like this clothes, I feel comfortable in them. Plus, the clothes you want me to wear are too short and tight."
"Elizabeth, please." she says, calmly as she can.
"I don't want to and that's it mom. Plus, I am only allowed to wear free clothes on special occasions. Just leave me be."
She sighs "Okay, just have fun and come safe, yes?"
No, how can I have fun in that hell of school you get me to. "Whatever." I mutter.
"At what time should I get you?" he asks when he's nearing the school's building.
"Me? At 2:15" says Josh, my little brother.
"Mkay, you?" he looks at me.
"Oh...I was actually going over to Lucy's. You know, since we are having a sleep over..."
"Who did you asked for permission?" he snaps as we reach the front gate.
"Uhm...can I go to Lucy's place to a sleep over...please?" I say with my classic puppy face.
"Okay..." he groans "But you could tell me your plans, you know you have the permission, but tell me or your mom. We care about you" he says as I step out of the car.
"Thanks, I'll see you tomorrow then." I say by the car's door before we waves for the last time and drives off.
My brother and I walk pass the main gate and I tell him to go to his building, Elementary.
"Can you come with me?" he says.
"You're 11 and you want your 17 years old sister to walk you down there?"
"Please! It's my first day and I'm nervous as fu..."
"Lovely, eleven years old, acting as a baby and swearing...lovely, just...lovely." I say as we reach the building.
I was going to walk him anyways. I have always been very motherly and protective with him. I'm not mad at him for swearing, I do it all the time. But he seems so little and innocent, so he can't swear, at least not infront of me. "And don't swear by the way"
"Why can't I?" he says.
"Because I say so. I don't want other people to think that mum and dad do it all the time"
"But you and Maddy do it all the time..." he pouts.
"Yes, but I'm 17 and Maddy's 19. It's more acceptable at those ages. Not at 11."
"Bye...take care." I kiss his hair.
"Bye...you too" he warmly smiles.
I stay there until he is safe inside the building. The only thing I want in the world is for him to be safe. He is my baby, and even if we are both grown up, he will always be.

Back For You
FanfictionIf you ask anyone else, they would say Elizabeth White is a very normal girl: good grades, two parents and two siblings, close friends, etc. Tho