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•valentine’s day•

You wake up next to an empty bed space. Niall must be up already. You slowly stand up, rubbing your eyes, and yawn. As you walk out of the room you can smell some delicious food. In the kitchen there is Niall, putting some nice sandwiches and strawberries on the table. When he notices you, he smiles and kisses you good morning. He’s already dressed while you still wear your pyjama. 

“Do you know what day it is?”, he asks as he pulls out the chair for you. You thank and sit down, then ponder. Today is… You have no idea. Niall recognizes that and chuckles. 

“Doesn’t matter. Today is valentine’s day!”, he reminds you grinning. Oh. You totally forgot it. You glance at the sandwich in front of you embarrassed. Niall kisses your temple and strokes your hair softly. 

“It’s okay, honey.”, he whispers in your ear before sitting down next to you. 

“But… but I have nothing for you… not even chocolate or whatever…”, you say, your voice sounding a bit guilty. Niall giggles and snips against your cheek carefully. 

“Hey. The fact that you are my girlfriend is enough. But I have a little surprise for you!”, he tells you and takes something out of his pocket. 

“We’re going to Disney World!”, he cheers and you watch him overwhelmed. “Really?”, you assure, grinning from ear to ear. Niall nods and smiles exited. 

“When I told Liam he wanted to come with us, but I could convince him to stay here.”, he grins then and you have to laugh. 

After finishing your breakfast you pack your stuff together, you’re going to stay in Disney World for a week. Then you get in the car and drive to the airport to get your flight to Florida. When you get on the plane and sit down on your seats, you notice someone sitting next to you, covering his face with a newspaper. But you don’t care who it is.

In the late afternoon you arrive at your hotel and the porter puts your baggage in your room, then Niall guides you to a café. 

“Let’s drink some coffee and then do a boat tour okay?”, he suggests and you nod with a smile. He pecks your cheek. “I love you Kira.”, he mouths and you giggle quietly. “I love you too…”

You’re sitting on a cute, decorated table now, drinking your coffee and admire the beautiful surroundings. Afterwards you slowly walk aside the river that flows through Disney World, his arm around your waist and yours around his. Suddenly Niall spots somebody and gasps, staring at one point a bit annoyed. You only saw a shape rushing behind the corner. Niall hurries there and pulls out a little Liam. “Liam!”, he admonishes with furrowed eyebrows. 

“Why and how did you come here?”, he asks and you step closer, suppressing your laughter in consideration of the situation. 

“I hid in the back of your car and I bought me a ticket for the flight and for a hotel room here…”, Liam mumbles. You need to chuckle and Liam looks up to you with puppy eyes. 

“But couldn’t you go to a different park of Disney World?!”, Niall groans and Liam shrugs. “I’m sorry…”, Liam says and sighs. Niall takes his hand away from Liam’s shirt and shakes his head sighing. 

“Then go. But please don’t cross our way again.”, Niall yields and Liam nods enthusiastically before he hops away happily. You start laughing and Niall can’t stand being serious anymore too and joins in.

“Oh Liam.”, you giggle. Then Niall and you enter the boat.

Now you sit on the boat, lying in Niall’s arms and watch the sunset. It’s beautiful and extremely romantic. You nestle up to Niall’s strong shoulder and he softly strokes your hair, loosing himself in the wonderful moment.

Later you’re in the elevator, heading to your hotel room. You enter the room and what you see is a super sweet decorated room, roses laying on the bed shaped like a heart, there are some vases with more beautiful flowers, then there’s a bottle of champagne and a little tray with strawberries and chocolate cake, which is also shaped like a heart. 

“Oh Niall, that’s the best valentine’s day I’ve ever had!”, you breathe as Niall pulls you closer to him. He smiles an irresistible smile and plants a super sweet kiss on your lips. 

Later you two have a nice night.

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