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The blinding light of heavens asshole peered through the curtains of my kitchen window.
With a loud groan I lifted myself of the kitchen floor and hoisted myself up on the counter to try to stand properly. I had a huge headache and couldn't remember my left foot to my right boob. After a moment of staring into space I started to walk to my room before being interrupted buy a bunch of empty beer cans spread across the floor . I sighed and continued to my room .

My room surprisingly wasn't the messiest room on the plane of existence but it wasn't the cleanest either. My current wardrobe choice of a sports bra and underwear probably wasn't the best clothing to wear for the rest of the day so I simply picked up a pair of pajama pants and a hoodie that was a little bit too big for my size but that's okay I guess.

I slowly walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind me . I set my clothes on the edge of the sink and took a look in the mirror.

. My shoulder length light brown hair looked like it hasn't been brushed in weeks and my dark green eyes looked empty . My lips were slightly chapped and I was tall and thin . My body looked normal besides the fact that there were cutting scars up and down my thighs and waist . A few of the scars well faded , some a little more on the new side and the cuts I did on my waist last night had dried blood on them , they still burned a little.
I sighed and hopped into the shower. I stayed there a little longer than expected my thoughts getting the best of me . I got dressed and walked into the spare room where I did my art stuff , which is where I get most of my money from . I picked up a sketch I was working on and sat down at the desk .

AN: hey guys I guess I got bored and started to write this tell me what you think so far !

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