3 Month's Later
Private Chat between You and Lauren.Y/n: hey Lauren...
Lauren: Y/n?! Is that really you?! Holy shit I was so worried!
Y/n: I know...and I'm sorry. I just needed time.
Lauren: it's okay. I'm sorry too. I'm sorry I didn't believe you and I'm sorry about everything I said. I'm so sorry Y/n.
Y/n: I know you are, Laur. It's okay. I'm over it. I just need the time to fully understand why you would say stuff like that to me. And I figured it out. You were hurt. You didn't want to believe that Brad would hurt you. You probably really loved him and knowing that he'd cheat on you probably hurt.
Lauren: I didn't love him
Y/n: really, Laur? Cause the way you spoke to me and defended him said otherwise.
Lauren: Y/n...
Y/n: too soon? Okay I'm sorry. Continue.
Lauren: I didn't love him. Because I was too deeply in love with you. I was just scared. I was scared to love you. I hadn't come to terms with my sexuality completely and instead of trying I pushed you away. I hurt you and for that I'm deeply sorry.
Y/n: it's okay, Lauren. Really.
Lauren: no it isn't. I lost you. I pushed you away, I said mean and hurtful words, and I lost you.
Y/n: we all say things we don't mean, Lauren. It's okay. And you didn't lose me. I'm still here. I was hurt yes and I didn't forgive you at the time but I forgive you now and I'm here. You didn't lose me, Laur.
Lauren: did you mean it?
Y/n: mean what?
Lauren: you told Brad that you loved me like no one else ever would. Did you mean it?
Y/n: I meant it and I still mean it. I love you so much, Lauren. It physically hurt not talking to you and being so far away from you. I love you so much. I want to have children with you and marry you and live in a beach house with two puppies, our kids, and just grow old together. You're it for me, Lauren. You're the only one I want.
Y/n: Lauren?
Y/n: Lo?
Lauren: Can you just come to my house and kiss me and hold me and say all of that in person.
Y/n: already on my way, love❤️

Texts (Fifth Harmony/You)
FanfictionJust random texts between you and the 5H girls.