Jushiro x reader

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You made your way to squad 13 barracks where captain ukitake was laying in his bed in his room. A little while earlier he sent you out to get some medicine. Once you came back you saw the captain sitting in his bed looking out the window.

You walked towards his bed and handed him his medicine. As you handed him his medicine your hands accidentally brushed against his making you blush slightly as you moved your hands away and quickly left.

Jushiro just smiled as he watched you leave. He looked out the window and took a sip of his medicine and set the cup on the side. After he set the cup down he rolled over to his side and fell asleep.

After you finally made it home you locked the door and took your sandals off, still trying to calm your racing heart. You would never admit it but you actually had a small crush on the captain but you feared being rejected by him so you kept it to your self.

~Time skip~

The same pattern has been going on for a few weeks now. He'd ask you to do something but you would be shy and run way. Your captain was starting to get irritated thinking that you didn't like him anymore or he did something wrong.

So eventually one day while the captain and you were talking he he decided to ask you why do you always run away.

"(Y/n).." The captain said

"Yes what is it captain?" You said to him.
He looked at you with serious and a bit hurt eyes and sighed.

"Why do you run away every tine we have a conversation or talk to each other?" He said solemnly
And before you could run away he already grabbed your wrist and looked you straight in the eye. You looked up at him with shock and a tint of pink on your face.

You took a deep breath and spoke
"Its..because i like you captain and i was afraid i stayed here that I would mess things up between us so i left and avoided my feelings." You put your head down hoping he wouldn't reject you or see your teary eyes.

He simply grabbed your chin making you look up at him and he gently pressed his lips against yours and you surprisingly started to kiss back and he pulled you closer to him and sadly you both had to pull away due to lack of air.

You both looked in each others eyes and smiled at each other. You looked away which caused him to laugh as he pulled you close to him and hugged you tightly and you wrapped your arms around him and smiled.

"I love you (y/n)."

"I love you too ukitake."

The end

That pic tho XD
Hey guys i hoped you enjoyed this one shot I apologize for not updating in a while but staar and finals are coming up and so I probably won't be updating in a while. But please vote share and comment 😘

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