Chapter 48 - High

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After I got into the elevator I called up Snoop, tonight I'm gonna get highhh.

The cab driver doesn't know who I am since, I'm still wearing Marshall's sweater with the hood over my head. The cab drops me off two blocks away from Snoops house, once I get out I pay the driver, and he speeds off. I look around, and walk the two blocks to Snoops crib.

I get to his front door, and the music is so loud it's like smacking me in the face. Snoop opens the door, and I can tell he's already been smoking. There's a bunch of people you can tell that have been smoking, and drinking as well.

"What's up shorty, you sure you down to get high tonight?" Snoop asks, and invites me into his house.

"Of course I'm down" I yell to make sure he hears me over the loud music, and I sit down on his couch with a bunch of other people. Snoop goes into his kitchen, and comes back with a bunch of new bottles.

"Ooo my favorite" I say, I grab, a bottle of tequila, rum, gin, and vodka then pour it into a cup.

"You need some Blue Curacao to go with that" Snoop says, and goes back into his kitchen. He comes back, and opens the bottle setting it down on the table. I grab it as soon as he places it down on the table, and poor it into my drink.

As I start to drink, Snoop hands me a blunt, and we start to smoke together.


I have had so many drinks in the past couple of hours, and been smoking none stop I'm fucked up! I'm having such a good time, but my phone keeps on buzzing.

From Marshall (1:56AM) - WHERE ARE YOU?!?!

I read one of the billions of texts from this Marshall guy, and start laughing uncontrollably that I fall into somebody's arms. 

"Hey boy, what's yo name sexy" I say as he helped me up.

"I'm Chris, and what's yo name sexy" Chris says.

"Maegan ahaha I like your tattoos" I say, and start to trace his tattoos on his arm.

"You've got some nice tattoos yourself pretty lady" Chris says, and starts to trace my tattoos as well. Chris goes from arms, to my waist, and goes down grabbing my ass. I start to giggle, and I grab him by the collar of his shirt bringing him to the kitchen. We get into the kitchen, and we just start making out.

After about five minutes someone yanks me away from Chris, and pulls me into the bathroom. This guy has the biggest arms that are filled with black, and white tattoos.

"WHY THE FUCK WERE YOU KISSING HIM!" This guy yells at me.

"Kissing who? Wait, and who ARE YOU TO BE YELLING AT ME" I yell back at this guy.

"MARSHALL! YOUR FUCKING BOYFRIEND!" This Marshall guy yells.

"My boyfriend lives in Detroit not here!" I say, and laugh at this guy who thinks he's my boyfriend.

"We're going back to the hotel now!" He says very stern, and pulls me out of the bathroom outside Snoops driveway.

This Marshall guys puts me in a car with music on low, and this other guy that has a bunch of tattoos. The one I can make out are a tattoo on his neck that says hip hop.

"Who are you?" I tap on the neck tattoo guys shoulder "And where are you guys taking me? Am I being kidnapped!! But wait I'm not a kid!" I yell, and start to cry. This Marshall guy turns around, and then looks to his friend I guess.

"She's fucked up" Marshall says, and sighs deeply.

"Meghan weren't kidnapping you, that's your boyfriend, and I'm your friend Royce" Royce says.

"OOHHH! This is my song!!" I yell out, and reach to the front turning it up.

"HI MY NAME IS! MY NAME IS! MY NAME IS SLIM SHADY!!" I sing along loudly.

"Meghan shut the fuck up" Marshall says, lowering the music.

"You know the guy who made this song, is one sexy motherfucker" I say

"Yo, she even talks about you when she's drunk" Royce says while keeping his eyes on the road.

"Yo" I say, and Marshall looks back nodding.

"Can I tell you guys something" I say.

"What?" Marshall asks.

"I think my boyfriend in Detroit is gonna leave me" I say, while tears fall from my eyes.

"Why?" Royce asks.

"I kissed a guy in there, I didn't mean it" I say, and break down crying.

"Marshall, you wanna sit back there?" Royce asks Marshall.

"Yeah" Marshall says, and sighs. "Pull over real quick" Marshall says, and Royce pulls over. Marshall goes around the side, and gets in the back of the car next to me. He puts on his seatbelt, and Royce continued to drive.

Marshall kept rubbing my back in a circular motion while I cried. After a while I cuddled up on him, and fell asleep.

till the next chapter <3





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