
52 1 0

Our minds are corrupted.
There is no say in what they do
Depression can be caused,
This world is seen in many ways
All these emotions will destroy us

Why can't I be better?
Why am I not perfect?
Why is there no hope?
Why am I alone?

Questions keep hitting me
The thoughts surround completely
There is nothing better that can be seen
A part of me keeps crumbling
Can't be understood.
No one understands this pain.

Why do I feel pain?
Why is it there?
Why cant I be understood?
Why am I not great?

That one question still haunts me
It feels me to where there is no escape
Surrounded, is what I am.
Help me, please.
This pain is terrifying to me
Im being eaten away.

Why can't it be helped?
Why am I tortured?

Emotional wreck *sighs*

String Of FeelingsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora