Chapter One

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Rose petals. White rose petals rained down on the capitol city. Gwendolyn felt them soft against her face as they fell and landed in the folds of her gown and her hair. The soft white petals provided a sharp contrast to the scarlet silk of her gown. Music and shouts of joy and laughter filled the afternoon air.  The entire city was dripped in the Royal colors of Alleria; deep scarlet and blazing gold: A celebration.

A new king was to be crowned that day. After the death of the old King Richard, who had died happily of old age surrounded by his beloved sons and daughter, the much loved and adored Prince Edward was to ascend to the throne. Gwendolyn thought she had never seen a more perfect and handsome man and King as she sought glance after glance of him as he processed in front of them, waving at his new subjects. With his golden hair and smile, he was quite easy to fall in love with. She and the other ladies of the land, both rich and poor, were utterly besotted by the sight of him.

Gwendolyn's father had been honored by a spot in the coronation procession, as he was to be one of the king's closest advisors, as he had been to Edward's father. It was an honor, her father had said, that few nobles at court were allowed to have. Though Gwendolyn was but thirteen, and still too young to make her own formal debut at court, her father had sent for her to request that Gwendolyn accompany her brothers as well to the festivities. She had been beside herself with joy when her mother had first informed her of the news and had hardly been able to keep still since.

She could not have imagined a more perfect day. Even had she dreamed and prayed long and hard for the gods to give her such a thing. From the beautiful music of the coronation as Edward had knelt to receive his crown to the beautiful sight the falling rose petals made now, Gwendolyn could not had dreamed that anything would mar this day.


The feast in the new king's honor lasted until the wee hours of the morning. Gwendolyn's nurse had been left behind at Belvin, and as she had only her father to watch over her, she had been allowed to stay the entirety of the feast. Gwendolyn suspected that her father was much too drunk to care or remember that she had been there.

She danced and whirled about the room with the other ladies of the court, merrily for as long as her feet permitted her. Though she had yet to be properly presented at court, Gwendolyn had memorized all the popular court dances since she was but a little girl, in preparation for her eventual presentation. King Edward even danced with her for a turn, and she had giggled and blushed in his strong arms as he whirled her about the room. He still possessed the ability to make one feel as though the were the most important person in the room. She had been sad when the song had ended and he had moved onto the next noble lady of the court to honor with a dance.

Gwendolyn had even been reunited with her childhood sweetheart, Harry, though he sulked throughout the entire time she saw him. He had been sent away when he had turned twelve, three years ago, and she had missed him dreadfully ever since. She had spotted him at the edge of the room when she had ended her dance with his brother, flushed with her eyes shining. She had went to him at once, happy to see him entirely unattended for once that evening. He had changed little in the three years since she had last seen him, though he had grown so tall so that his chin brushed the crown of her head now. He still looked slender and a sickly pale, though he had seemed to have grown some muscle since she had also seen him. Perhaps he had taken up training of the sword.

For whatever the reason, he had seemed utterly disinterested in seeing her or what she had to say to him, as he remained mostly silent. And when she finally coaxed him to dance with her, he stepped on her toes the entire time. Gwendolyn was not sorry to see him leave early for the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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