Somebody Believed In This Suicide

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Tony's POV: 

I was walking out of the back door and was attacked by some fake blonde. She literally choked me with her tongue. I shoved her off, "What the fuck are you doing?" I glared at her and felt disgusted enough already after what Vic said. 

She blinked innocently, "I'm just getting a taste." 

I rolled my eyes and walked away from her. I didn't need this right now, I swear I spend more time thinking about other women than I do Charlie. Vic's speech tonight probably didn't help. I never moved on, I'm marrying her again. Granted she's different, that doesn't mean that he had to be so cruel on stage towards her, he's suppose to be her best friend, almost brother. I pulled my phone out and dialed her number.

"Hello," A sad, small voice questioned.

I sighed, "Hey baby, I'm so sorry about being a jerk earlier. I understand that you have other things now but I just love having you at my shows." 

"It's fine Tony," she answered coldly. "Do you want to tell me about a picture that just surfaced on twitter," she asked in a harsh tone. 

Just then my phone went off and I noticed I had several mentions on Twitter all attached with a picture. A picture of the fake blonde gagging me with her tongue. Fuck. How does this shit spread so fast? "Baby, it's not what you think," I said softly.

"IT'S NOT WHAT I THINK? AND WHAT IS IT THAT I THINK, TONY," she screamed into the phone. 

I cringed, "I didn't fucking kiss her! SHE KISSED ME!" 

"Rightttt, I've heard that one before," she scoffed.

"Baby, I'm telling you I did not kiss that blonde bimbo. You know I would never cheat on you, I care way too much about you," I tried.

She sighed, "I need time. I just can't do this right now, there is too much going one."

I heard a bleep signaling that the call ended. I kicked the ground and swore to the sky. I loved her, I mean I get that I talk about other women but she's the only one out there for me. "WHHYYYYY," I yelled up to the stars.

I heard a cough behind me, "I know it wasn't you."

I turned to face Casey, our drum tech. "Thanks, bro. Now I just need to let Charlie know that."

He smirked, "I'll tell her tomorrow on Skype."

"Thanks man," I said and gave a wave before heading to the bus. I needed sleep, I could not deal with this right now. I'd call her tomorrow, we were traveling all day and didn't have a show so I could talk to her all I wanted. But for now, I just need a lay down and not think about it.


We're a week into this tour and Charlie still hasn't answered my calls or my texts. I know she isn't going to pull something because of Liam but sometimes I just wish I could see into her head. We still haven't met the new band but we've seen glimpses of their set. Everyone was right, the chic has a body that is hot as get out, I just hope her face matches. We're all supposed to chill today and spend some time bonding with each other. Apparently Austin knows her really well which means she's probably off limits to everyone else. 

"TONY," Jaime's voice snapped me out of my head. I looked at him with glazed eyes, not quite understanding what was going on. "We're going to hook up with Austin and hopefully the new band," he sighed. 

I nodded and followed them out of the bus. I saw Austin off in the distance with the lead singer of the other band. Her hair was a fire red and leggings that seemed to match. Austin had her erupting in laughter, it made my heart ache because she reminded me so much of Charlotte. 

"DADDY," I heard a shrill scream. I noticed that the redhead had stopped laughing and turned around with a look of horror. I shared her expression when I saw her face. Charlotte. I looked over and saw Liam tottering towards me with the tour manager of the other band. He looked a little shocked but he had amusement in his eyes as he watched my son. 

"Hey Little Guy, what are you doing here," I asked with a large smile on my face, knowing how smart he was he would know something was wrong if I showed my real feelings. 

"Muma, made me come," he said as best he could whilst stumbling over some words. 

I head a sigh from behind me, "Tony." 

I whipped my head around and saw Charlotte with a grim expression on her face. "No. You don't get to speak. You lied to me... AGAIN," I yelled as soft as I could without bringing attention to us. I saw Austin jog up and put a hand on her shoulder. "Are you two sleeping together again," I spat at them both. 

"NOO! Dude, I would never do that," Austin said as he stuck his hands up in defense. 

"Tony, let me explain," Charlotte said as she reached for my hand. I snapped it away and she had a hurt expression on her face. "Fine. At least you know now," she spat back at me. 

I watched her storm off with Austin in hot pursuit. Liam gripped tightly to my chest. "I'll take him for the day," I said to her tour manager as I gripped Liam just as tightly. He nodded and ran in the direction that Charlotte took off in. 

Why would she lie to me? She never even told me that she put a band together. I always knew she could sing but I didn't think she would ever really do anything with it, she preferred the production side of music. I walked with Liam to a near by park and pushed him on the swings for awhile before getting him a small scoop of ice cream. This is what dads do, right? 


Liam and I spent a couple of hours at the park just laughing and giggling. He was the one person in my life that I loved more than anything. He looked up at me with these bright green eyes that looked just like Charlotte’s and had the largest grin I’ve ever seen. He really was something. I saw the guys standing around, I noticed Austin and Charlotte which made my heart sink. I feel like she’s been sneaking behind my back, I mean she was in L.A for a year to get better and Austin has a way of making girls fall in love with him.

"Has anyone seen Charlotte," I asked the guys. 

They shook their heads, "Sorry man. Try the stage area, she might be warming up." 

I handed Liam to Mike, knowing that his Uncle missed him already. I shot everyone a sad smile and walked off to the backstage door. They all knew about me bumping into Charlotte, but Vic had been a little too quiet about it. He walked with me to side stage where we heard Charlotte's band practicing. They were pretty good, I won't lie. I just can't believe that she lied to me about this.

"Alright guys, I think we're good," she shouted over everyone else. She was engulfed into Austin's arms. There was a frown pressed firmly on her face and her eyes were a little red and puffy. He was whispering something in her ear and he gently placed his lips to her forehead. I felt my blood boil because he shouldn't need to do that. 

"Charlotte," Vic shouted right next to my ear. She looked up and cocked and eyebrow. "I need to talk to you," he clarified and she nodded.

"What's up," she said as she jogged over. 

Vic looked nervously at me, "I'm sorry forkissingyou." He gushed the last part out so I didn't quite catch it. I know what I thought I heard, I just hoped it was wrong. 

"YOU KISSED CHARLOTTE," I bellowed, causing everyone to look over at the 3 of us.

Charlotte looked like she was ready to burst into tears. "Tony, it's not what you think," she cried. 

I let out a dry laugh, "Well then, why don't you fucking explain it to me!"

Austin once again appeared from behind her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It was the first night and everyone was talking about how hot I was. Vic wanted bragging rights. He literally told me his name and kissed me. He didn't even know it was me because it was dark and you couldn't see my face because my hair covered it. Vic wouldn't willingly kiss me." 

I looked from Vic to Charlotte. Once again my best friend was making a move on the woman I love. I looked into her eyes and saw nothing but the truth but I still felt like shit.

"Yeah but you let him do it," I mumbled before walking off.

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