As i got back home, Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan was eating cake and cookies and watching anime, i sigh and headed up stairs to my room. Celeste came up with me and lied down with me on my bed and we slowly start to fall asleep, we took a nap.
*three hours later*
I woke up and Celeste was still sleeping, i smiled and quietly got up and headed down stairs to the fridge and find something to eat. I found a piece of cake left in the fridge that said 'Y/ns' on it. I took it and sat down on the couch and watch some anime on crunchy-roll, my phone went off and i checked it. It was Aaron, he texted me.. Why did he text me so late at night time?
" Hey y/n, i know you might be sleeping but i wanted to tell you you're beautiful and if anything happens just tell me.. And how about dinner on Friday? at 7 pm? G'night y/n "
(Awe Aaron.. that was sweet of him) My heart fluttered and i replied..
"Thanks Aaron, and yes that will be lovely!" I sent. And i look at the time, it was almost 2 AM and so i went back up stairs to my room and went to bed.
I open the door quietly so Celeste wouldn't wake up or the others would and lied down and slowly went to sleep again.. Celeste cuddle me and lick my cheek we both fell asleep..
*The next day, Thursday*
I woke up and check my phone and it was 11 and i got up and brought Celeste for a walk and once we got back home i ate lunch and took a shower. I posted pics on Instagram and checked Twitter and went on YouTube. Ate cupcakes with Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan and watched some anime.. It was almost 3 pm and i decided to to make dinner, i looked up on the internet to see what good to make. I found a recipe that i could make and seems easy as it looks, it was already 6 pm and i made (whatever you want to make) and after severing it to the Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan and gave Celeste her food and after eating i went for a walk.. I went to the park and walk around and swing on the swing. I saw Vlad walking over, he waved and i waved back smiling. "Hey y/n, whats up?" he asked and sat beside me on the swing. "Uh just swinging on the swing, being bored.. And you" i asked and stop swinging. "Just walk over to the park and just chill here for a bit and came to visit" He replied, i gasp and smiled widely. "Who are you staying with?! How long?!" I asked, he rub behind his neck "Well.. I don't have a place to stay and not really visit just stay here.. I was going to come to your place and stay till i can get my own house.. Is that okay?" He asked. I nodded "Yes! You can stay with us Vlad!" I hug him and he smiled "Thanks y/n" He hug me and we walk over to my place.
We walk in and brought his bags in and told Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan. For now he can sleep on the couch till we got the basement ready for him and i went straight on it. After finishing the basement i went to go have a shower, there was so much dust and stuff.. There was a radio in the bathroom i didn't mind the music was playing, they were playing my favorite song and somehow i started to sing along.. (i'm sorry if you don't like this song or a fan of them)
'Cause I take you home to mama
Let you meet my friends
'Cause you don't come with drama
So I want you til' the world ends
You're way more than worth it
But I don't feel like I deserve it
You got the pieces
You're my kind of perfect'
(Song: Home To Mama, Justin Bieber, also i'm very very sorry if you don't like him or the song)
Vlad's pov:
It was nice for y/n to let me stay at her house, she's always nice.. I think i might need a shower.. Traveling everywhere. i went up stairs to go shower since someone was already in the other shower..
I heard y/n singing in the shower, she sings beautiful! I stayed to listen her singing and i was going to take a shower but it can wait..The song stop an she stop singing.. Aw, i wanted to hear her sing more and Katelyn was behind me. Uh oh... "What are you doing Vlad?" Katelyn asked and her arms are crossed. "It's not what it looks like Katelyn" I said and she sighed and punch me in the face.. ow..I went down stairs to grab an ice-pack and put on my right cheek where Katelyn punch me, well i kinda did deserved it.. y/n sounds like an angel, i chuckled a bit and headed down to the basement and i went to sleep.
And done! Sorry i published it and i wasn't done, so so so sorry!!

[COMPLETE] Aaron x Female Reader 〈 MyStreet 〉
FanfictionAaron x Female Reader ~ MyStreet AU Lemons are in the story! I DO NOT OWN THE PICTURES!! I own the story. Image use: Leah Creel https://www.pinterest.com/pin/369435975663543941/