The case was interesting and ended within a few days. We met up with Travis, who was kinda bat-shit, and scoped out the place. Travis said that the guy was a rugaru, a monster that craves human flesh and has a bottomless pit for a stomach. And it just so happens that Travis had killed this rugaru's dad, who was one as well. He was hell bent on killing it, and we kinda held him back because there's a small chance a rugaru can resist its cravings if it hasn't fed yet. But Travis did eventually get away and became its first meal, sealing its its fate when it almost got me. Then we found out its wife was pregnant, but we gave her a freebie and told her to watch out. It was a long night and it killed my appetite.
After that renegade, we hunted a shapeshifter that was disguising itself as monsters from old movies, like vampires, werewolves, ect. That was kinda creepy and put me off of the accent for a while, even though I'm a sucker for one usually.
Now we're down investigating some heart attacks. There was two yesterday in some other town, and one today, who was a marathon runner Frank O'Brian, in Rock Ridge, Colorado. I hope it's something easy and we can get it over with. I'm ready for a swim in a river. It's so hot today. Maybe it's just me. I thought was I fanned myself with my note pad as we walked into the police station. The guys and I were dressed as Feds and we're hoping that the body was up for showing.
They hadn't done an autopsy, so we insisted. It was pretty nasty. I wasn't used to being on the gutting end of things, more the killing-the-thing-that-gutted-the-other-thing end. Dean pointed out some scrapes on the guy's arms and hands; same as the others. The doc said he didn't see any blockages or anything that would normally cause an attack and proceeded to take out his heart and hand it to Dean. He continued to fiddle around and caused a spurt of blood to hit Sam and me in the face, "Sorry, spleen juice."
"Fantastic," I said and took some tissues from my pocket, handed some to him and wiped my face off.
"Thanks," Sam said.
There wasn't anything unusual about the guy aside from some scratches on his arm. We went to talk to the sheriff next and were kept waiting by his secretary because "he's a very busy man", so we waited. It wasn't long and the sheriff apologized for the boy. We went to talk in his office and we're told to take up our shoes. What, does he live here? "Al Britin. Good to meet you." He said and we shook hands.
"You too," Sam said and they took a seat. I stayed standing cause there were only two seats.
The cop rubbed germ-x into his hands. Oh, he's one of these. "So, what can I do for Uncle Sam?"
"Well, we're looking into the death of Frank O'Brian. We understand some of your men found his body."
"They did." He agreed. He talked about how they were friends and were in the same softball team. Game Cocks, was the name. They also went to high school together. He mentioned that Frank was jumpy but didn't know what scared him. He really doesn't like germs.
As we walked back to the car, we discussed what could give them heart attacks, which didn't help. Anything could in the right conditions. We got to the corner of the street, "Hold on, hold on." Dean stopped us.
"What?" Sam asked.
"I don't like the look of those teenagers." Sam gave him a confused look, "Let's walk this way." Dean suggested and walked across the street. Sam shook his head and followed.
But some cars had built up on the four way we just passed and it didn't look like a good time to cross. "Kay, you alright?" Sam called from the other side.
"Yeah, it's just... Can you come back for a second?" I asked. Dean had stopped walking to watch what was going on.
Sam walked back across the street to me, "What?"
I held his hand and stood close to him, "Okay, let's go." I don't feel good about this. What if someone hits us? We could die.
His neighbor was next on the list. I did not want to be there though, cause he had a metric ass ton of snakes. But I sat through it and half way through took hold of Sam's wrist and refusing to let go. He was confused at first, but he saw I was scared and let me. Dean had it worse than I did. One snake that was huge slithered over his lap. And the conversation didn't really help. He said that the runner guy had watched the Wizard of Oz the other night and that the Wicked Witch was out to get him. And he was paranoid of basically everything else. He also said that he was kind of a dick in high school, but that he got better after his wife commuted suicide in '88. Maybe it's a ghost trying to get revenge?
"Sorry about the wrist thing, Sam. I don't like snakes." I apologized as we left.
"Yeah, no problem. Where to now, Dean?" We huddled up to the car on our sides.
"Let's just run the circuit. I'll head to the county clerks office. And drop you guys off at Frank's place."
"Good with me." I said and hopped it.
It was getting dark out and the street lights turned on. Dean came back and picked us up outside Frank's place. He said that his wife killed herself but that Frank had an alibi. I miss drives like this. But Dean's worrying me with our speed. "Hey, can you slow down."
"Yeah, good idea." Dean agreed and slowed to the speed limit.
"'Slow down'? 'Good idea'? What's up with you guys?" Sam asked.
"Nothing, I just don't wanna die." I said.
"Yeah, is it illegal to go the speed limit now?" Dean helped.
Sam didn't respond until we passed our hotel, "Dude, where you going? That was our hotel."
"Sam, I'm not gonna make a left hand turn into oncoming traffic. I'm not suicidal."
"Thanks." I said. The EMF started up and went wild.
"That was weird of me." Dean laughed it off. Sam noticed the noise and held it up to Dean, where it was all red, and then back at himself, where it was quiet.
Dean looked about as freaked as me, "Are you haunted?"
"Am I?" He asked Sam and we both looked to him, scared.
"Calm down. Both of you. I'll call Bobby; see if he knows anything."
I nodded and Dean got us safely back to the hotel. I carried my bag to my room, immediately looked at the bed, and turned around back to the car. I don't want bed bugs. I've already got an itch. Jesus, if I have bed bugs, I'm suing somebody. I set my stuff in the back seat and decided I'm sleeping here tonight. It was a few hours when Dean joined me in the car and took the front seat. "Hey."
"Hey. What're you doing here?" He asked.
"I don't want bed bugs." I said.
"That's a good point."
"Mmhm." I had a hard time sleeping and I wanted to ask if I could double with him but was scared he'd say no so I didn't say anything.

Oh, What A Bad Idea (A Supernatural Fanfiction)
FanfictionKaylee runs from Arizona with the guys and gets mixed up with their doings. Starts Season 2 and continues from there. Closely follows the show.