Chapter Thirty-seven

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My dad has granted me permission to borrow his other phone for a while. So, my mom said that my phone has been infected with a virus.

Stupid viruses...

Anyway, here I am with an update! I'm glad I have borrowed a phone and tablet to update!


Chapter Thirty-seven: The Dark Lord versus 'Spellweaver'

"Spellweaver?" The trio asked the brunette haired woman.

"I am not Spellweaver. I do not know my name nor my identity but right now, I am borrowing your friend's body." She answered.

"You seem to know the Dark Lord very well." Logic observed.

"I do. I have been watching his every movements and all I can say is, he is only going to wreak havoc around the world. Your city is in grave danger because of him." 'Spellweaver' stated, fixing her gaze towards the gray sky.

"What are you going to do now?" Truth asked worriedly. He was still thinking that this was the Spellweaver that he knows.

"Fight him of course. I have been looking forward to this day and its time. Its time I drain his strength and leave him to wilt and die." She stifled a laugh. "But don't worry, I'll take care of your little boo Truth. She'll fight with me and I know, you care and love her so, why should I put her in danger?"

She left him with that statement and flew up in the gray sky.

"But she forgot one thing. Once that spirit or whatever thing lefts Spellweaver's body, she has to undergo a lot of rest for about, a week I guess." Perfection stated.

"How are you so sure?" Truth questioned.

"She studied with me and I also taught her the spells that she casts every time we battle our enemies. You can say that I'm her superior." She replied.


Once she had reached the top of the world, she called out, "Dark Lord! Show yourself!" She looked around for him but he didn't show up.

"Heh. How come you're still alive? I thought I have eliminated you already." His voice rang on her ears, making her quiver a bit. Still, she kept her cool and won't lose to a person like him.

"But there's one thing that you don't know." She made her first attack. "I am capable of reincarnation. Whatever you do is nothing to me."

Dark Lord seemed to have dodge her attack. "Hah! What utter foolishness!"

"You're the one who's foolish here, Dark Lord. Don't you have any sympathy left for one of hour daughters?!" She shot back.

"I don't care for her now. She's already a grown up, she can take care of herself! But no matter, she'll have to wake up anytime soon, and be the next heir to my throne!" Dark Lord proclaimed.

"She will not wake up! She will never become a Dark Queen or whatever thing you're referring to! She's already in safe hands!" She attacked Dark Lord again but it seemed to have no effect.

"Foolish human, once she wakes up, she'll be unstoppable, she will dominate the world and cover it with darkness!"  Dark Lord attacked 'Spellweaver' and sent her descending down to the ground. She made a landing impact which made a little crater/hole. She opened her eyes and saw the Dark Lord slowly descending.

"S-Spellweaver!" The other Courtroomteers ran up to her rescue.

"Hmph. Still weak as ever."

For some reason, Perfection had spaced out. That voice was familiar to her, maybe it was one of the people she saw in her dreams before she had been Perfection. Logic seemed to know the voice as well.

Spellweaver was unconscious now. The spirit inhabiting her body also left. The Dark Lord finished his business and went off as well.

Truth tapped on Spellweaver's cheek. "Boo, wake up!" His eyes were full of worry.

"She's really weak. I don't see any signs of her waking up soon." Perfection replied, scanning Spellweaver's body with her Cyphodex. Perfection had touched Spellweaver's necklace to return her in the normal form for her to regain her strength quickly. The trio also touched their trinkets and returned to normal.

Nick wrapped his arms protectively around Michiko's body and lifted her up.

"He really cares for your sister huh..." Fran whispered and typed something in her Cyphodex. Once she was done, she snapped it shut and made a statement. "We'all go back to Captain. He'll look after her."

"The one that visited us a few days ago?" Nick questioned, Michiko still in his arms looking pale as ever.

"Yes him. I already called up a plane to be sent here to take us there."  On cue, this plane that she was talking about shaded them from above. It let out its stairs and they boarded it.

"You can set her down in that little infirmary by the back." She ordered and started maneuvering the controls on the plane's panel.

He went to the back and set her down on the little bed. He looked at her, she was really pale and displayed signs of being weak. He had set himself next to her, embracing her protectively. With the blanket, he made her a Mochiritto again which sent a small smile to both their faces. That small sign from Michi assured him that she'll be fine.

"How is my sister?"

"O-oh, she's um, getting better I guess."

"Did she send any signs?"

Instead of answering the siblings' question, Nick shot a question back at them. "She'll be fine right?"

"I'm not a doctor Nick. You have to ask the Captain later." Fran replied.

"Well, let's say she's going to be fine." Nick surrendered and looked after Michiko.


Captain had checked her up and based on his emotions plastered on his face, it wasn't what they call a good news. "Michiko is really in a bad condition. She's only getting paler and paler each hour that passes."

"But why?" Nick asked and became more worried.

"That's what I do not know. I am terribly sorry that I cannot answer your question." Captain replied with a frown.

"What about our parents? Have you found any leads?"

"Sadly, i-" Captain was cut off when the monitor showed a red dot. "There's your location."

"My sister won't be able to come with us huh. But I promised something to her, and I can't break that." Miles stated and stood up to check up on Michiko. "Well, can't have your brother being weak like you, not that I'm saying you're weak." He chuckled. Michiko seemed to have heard what he said and sent a sign which is a little finger movement.


Well, rescuing the parents will be on the next chapter.

Argh, I feel like this wasn't good but I sure hope I'm just wrong lol

Anyway, Michiko will not join them for a while but let's see what I can do about that huehuehuehue

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