Whoo, check me workin my ass off just for you. Two chapters in one night!! Hopefully this ones not too short as well...ah well i dunno. Thanks to everyone who's commented and voted - my friends in this one, so comment EVEN MORE to make her happy!! Enjoy ;)
"He's waking up!" came a voice from far away. The darkness was lifting, as though blankets were being pulled away from on top off him. Poison blinked his eyes open to see a crowd of anxious faces, relief apparent on each one. He groaned and rubbed his face. His mouth tasted vile, an his skin was covered in a sticky paste. His family were gathered around him, looking concerned. Kobra Kid, Fun Ghoul and Jet Star. Yes; they were his family now.
Kobra leant further over Poison. "How do you feel?" he asked, worriedly. He looked tired and the desert sand had setteled so deeply into his hair that it looked like he had gone grey while Poison was unconcious. Party Poison considered the question thoroughly before answering.
"Like a vampire." he decided. The confused expressions on the other's faces were priceless. Party chuckled and stopped them before they could ask.
"My throat burns" he explained to them. It was true - it did hurt. But it was nothing like the searing pain of yesterday. Whatever those doctors had done had worked. He shuddered. He just hoped it hadn't involved needles.
"The doctors say that you inhaled a lot of smoke," Kobra explained, his voice catching slightly. "It got into your lungs." Poison just nodded.
"And the sticky stuff?" he asked, indicating his skin.
"Burn ointment."
Poison looked around. He was lying on a blanket on the desert floor a couple of hundred yards outside zone three. The Killjoys had set up a camp in the desert; small fires were dotted around all over the place with blackets and killjoys spread around them. Although they had camped as a unit, the killjoys had still split off into their seperate groups around the fires.
Suddenly Poison stopped.
"Wher's the kid?" he said franticaly. "Is she okay? did she make it?" He sat up too quickly, and doubled over, coughing, while the others patted his back.
"She's fine" Ghoul reassured him. "She wants to see you. She's got something to tell you..." Ghoul faded off as the girl skipped over.
Poison stared at her, taking in her dark hair and hazel eyes. Something within him stirred, but he couldn't place it. She stood, staring at him, for a few minutes, and then stuck out her tiny hand.
"Hi. I'm Bandit Lee Way. I'm told you're my father."
Poison stared at her in disbelief. His daughter? His daugh-
His Bandit.
Poison started to choke and cough again, but batted the others away when they came to help. Instead, he jumped up, forgetting the pains in his chest, and leapt on his daughter, holding her tightly. She hugged him back and he could feel her shaking as she sobbed.
"Oh Bandit. Oh my fuck -"
"No swearing" Ghoul chuckled. "You're a father, remember?" Poison punched Ghoul on the arm, causing him to moan in mock pain, and pulled back from Bandit, holding her face in his hands.
"I can't believe you're still alive!" His heart dropped to his stomach. "And your mother...is she..?" Bandit nodded, eyes shining.
"She's fine. She's alive." She bit her lip. "But she-"

And then the world ended - Killjoy Fanfic (on hold)
ActionThe true lives of the fabulous killjoys. A killjoy story following the lives of the fabulous killjoys