My last days on earth

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At this point I give in to the pain of my heart shattering to pieces the last time. Its been 28 years of this. Man was not meant to be alone.

But apparently I truly am cursed.No matter what I do something always goes wrong. And when I try to fix it someone stubborn wants to leave it. Well I hope your happy this is practically the diary of little bit of time I have left.

Today I just wanted to hear her voice & to say my name but I couldn't even get that. Thats the same thing my last ex did when I was in the hospital & couldn't get a hug.

If reincarnation is true then I choose not to be born next time. No matter what the consequences are. I've inspired enough ppl through my life & changed enough destinies.

The cuts inflicted on my body are nothing to the pain I feel in my heart. Its for the better since all I bring is pain. I love you Chasity Joyner forever & always😭

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