Part 9

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Chapter 9:

My feet crunched in the freshly lain snow as I made my way out of the dorms. After my confrontation with Stan last night I had been too wild up to go to sleep. Adrenaline had coursed through my veins till five in the morning; luckily I had Sunday off and wouldn’t attend church till eight. I was happy until I found out Rose had community service, and all that happiness burst into something else. Something mixed with passion, longing, love and giddiness.

I shook the feelings away as I made my way to the chapel. I wasn’t neglecting my love for Rose like I had at the ski lodge, but I wasn’t enforcing it either. I needed to stay calm and collected, I needed to get her to pass the final test, and I needed her to graduate so we could watch over Lissa. But most importantly I needed her to focus on knowing what to do in intense situations, Spokane was proof enough to me that I won’t be there all the time to watch and protect her. And even though she had done a good job at getting her and her friends out, not all of them made it. And that single mistake, will affect her forever, as a guardian and as a person.

Shivering at the thought of a screaming Rose crouched over Mason made me aware of my surroundings. I was nearing the chapel, snow falling lightly, blurring its dark furnishing. It was seven thirty, so no one was around yet except for the one person I needed to talk to before the service.

I open the huge wooden doors that prevent the cold and snow from drafting in and step inside. My feet echo against the walls as I make my way towards the stage. The wooden doors close with a bang making my footsteps sound like padded drops from a sink compared to a waterfall.

The priest looks up from his work then. He had been huddled over one of the old dusty bibles that he stored in the back. His pen tapping the side of the podium as he rests his head in his hand trying to put together the service. My heart beats faster at the sight of him, knowing that I may be interrupting whatever work he was doing and preventing him from finishing it. I wonder if God would strike me down for that. But didn’t have the time to consider it before the old man smiled at me.

“Dimitri, what can I do for you?” His smile was genuine and wrinkled at the corners of his eyes, making him look much older than he really was.

I nodded and smiled back. “My student Rosemarie Hathaway has community service today and I was wondering if she could help you with anything.” He nodded his balding head, eyes lost in thought. “I also will be assisting her.”

The priest’s graying eyebrows went up at that, crinkling his forehead, which made him look twenty years older. “Is that so?” He cleared his throat. “Well, Dimitri, I think I can fit in a time for the both of you. See me after the service today and I will find something for you two to do.”

I nodded and thanked him. As I turned around and started to walk away his deep voice rang through the wooden chapel. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’ve been watching the way you look at her.”

I freeze in mid-footstep. And spin as fast as I would if I were to face a Strigoi. I try to keep my voice even. “I-I…What do you mean Sir?”

He smiled, there wasn’t anything hidden behind that smile, being a servant of God. His eyes lit up at my attempts to act surprise. “During the services, I see the way you two steal glances at each other Dimitri. There’s nothing to hide. At first it looked as though you were checking on her protectively, as if she were in danger all the time. But then I looked again and saw something different in your eyes.”

I lowered my head, I couldn’t lie to the priest, it would be a sin to, and would be wrong. I nod as if I understand, but really I’m just shocked he had figured it out. Him out of all people. He took my silence as an invitation and kept talking.


“I think I’ve figured it out now.” His voice was light and thoughtful; my heart ached for him to stop talking. “It’s wonder. Wonder if you’re ever going to be with that person. And longing. Longing to be with her forever. I see the way you watch Rose when she leaves, like she’s walking out the door forever, never coming back. But there’s something else there too.”

I look up at him then, his finger tapping his chin as he stares off into the unknown. My heart beats faster, never before had someone (besides Tasha) figured out my biggest secret, figured out my feelings for Rose wasn’t professional.

His eyes flickered back to me as he smiles again. “Protection. You’re assigned to the Dragomir princess correct?” I nod, and when I don’t respond he continues, his voice lower this time. And as I crane my neck to see what he’s looking at I realize with sudden shock that there are people entering the building. “And I trust you know how important it is to protect her. And Rose is Vasilissa’s best friend, yet I can see you protecting Hathaway without a second thought. Leaving Vasilissa out in the open. You do understand why this is dangerous? Not just for your carrier, but for both of the girl’s lives?”

His brown eyes were wide now as he imagined what might happen if I let my feelings get the best of me. We both seemed to share the same thought. I was Lissa’s guardian, and if I let Rose get in the way of protecting her I will endanger the last Dragomir’s life. But I never thought about Lissa being the dangerous one. Rose, well she’s Rose and danger was her characteristic it seemed like these days. But Lissa, she was innocent, and just a girl, a vulnerable girl, who needed protection. And if I’m not there to provide that her life will be in danger.

My heart quickened even more, pounding in my ears. And by the way he cocked his head to the side I knew he heard it. With his powerful Moroi ears, he probably could hear the blood rushing through my veins fast and irregular.

He looked up, his smile fading as his eyes swept across the room. “My service is about to start. I’ll consult with you and Hathaway after.”

And without another word or glance his eyes focused back on the book he had been fixated over before I had come in.

I took my regular seat in the back, trying hard not to glance Rose’s way as she entered. What the priest had said to me was overwhelming. Never before had someone come remotely close to my deep feelings for her. It was true I wanted to protect her. And I knew if the time came I would try to protect Lissa, but the moment Rose screamed in pain I would shift my attention to her and kill whatever caused her bloodcurdling scream.

And it was then I knew what to do. Not only did I need Rose to get better in training, I needed her to learn to protect herself. To kill a Strigoi within seconds, because if she doesn’t she endangers both Lissa and me. Lissa’s life will be forgotten, and I will take action and protect Rose with my life.

The thought of Rose’s screams in Spokane comes back to me. Never again will I let her scream like that, feel like that. Her screams echo in my head and I wonder if the priest can hear that too.


Okay I hope you guys liked this one as much as I did(: sorry if it's too short for you but I PROMISE I'll upload this weekend. My boyfriend won't be here again this weekend. (It's been almost a month since I last saw him) and I will have the weekend all to myself and Wattpad(: Since my best(and only) friend will be at her dad's in Santa Cruz this weekend I will be alone. But don't worry this is a good thing because I get to catch up with all my stories and make up for the time I have lost due to school(: Plus its supposed to rain this weekend and rain gets me in the writing mood sooooooooo that's also an advantage(: Well just thought I'd give you guys an explanation as to why this is so short. I promise that this weekend's upload will be longer(:



go check out her story: Dimitri's Baby (Vampire Academy FanFic) All you VA fans will love it!


In Richelle Mead's epic Vampire Academy series two dhampir's can't have kids. Rosemarie Hathaway is not the average dhampir, she is shadow kissed. That means she's died and returned to life and is bounded to a spirit user; her best friend and the last Dragomir Princess Vasilisa Dragomir.

This is a parallel story to the fourth Vampire Academy book, Blood Promise, called Dimitri's Baby. As Rose is a pregnant dhampir and a guardian to the last Dragomir Princess but can she expect the same turn of events as a typical teenage pregnancy?

Sounds amazing right?!?!? good now go check it out! And comment and vote telling her how much you liked it!

SPECIAL SHOUT OUT to Jojoeanna for staying up past her bedtime to read this series(: your amazing for getting so excited over my Dimitri POV's that I had to add you in this conversation! You're awesome and I hope you continue to love this sereis as much as I do!

Dimitri's Point of View in Shadow Kiss (Vampire Academy) (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now