"So what are you going to do today, Honey? Are you excited? Well, of course you are! The first day of Summer is always the best day! Am I right? Isn't it honey? Yeah, it is"
"Yeah, Mom" I reply blankly. My Mom is great, but as you can tell, she can get a little mom-ish.
"Well aren't you excited?"
"Yeah, but I am going to miss my friends."
"We are only going to Maui for 2 weeks!"
"I know, but still.. You know what Mom? It will be fun! We can make it fun. It will happen.
"Well, it's good to hear you thinking positive." My Mom can always lift spirits, even though it was half my job thinking of it. Never mind, I am getting selfish. "So we need to be all packed by tomorrow night. Our flight is Thursday morning."
"Okay, Mom. I am gonna go start packing."
"Holler if you need anything, sweetie!"
I walk upstairs into my bedroom, get out my briefcase, and flop onto my bed. After realizing that sitting here wouldn't make the suitcase pack itself, I decide to get up and start. First, I look through my closet and find a green crop top, an orange emoji Shirt, and some bright yellow flip flops. This is going to be so much harder than I thought.
~2 Hours Later~
I walk downstairs. I probably have come down earlier, because yelling through the house is obnoxious. "Hey Sweetie! Wanna go out and grab some sushi? There is a new place down the road. The owner is a friend of mine."
"Sure, no problem"
We drive to the sushi restaurant. The outside looks like a dirty apartment, but the inside looks a little better. The tables were sticky and the food made my stomach queasy, but enough with the complaints. I am not writing a critic review. We drive back home and get some rest. We are gonna need for tomorrow.

Dark Waters Ahead
Mystery / ThrillerPepper's vacation with her Mom to Hawaii doesn't go as planned. Her along with her mom go on a ship arranged to give a tour around the island, when a storm comes. The ship is lost at sea, and when all hope is lost, Pepper flies off the side of the b...