Chapter 34- Back on the road

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I get woken up by Ashton poking me
"What do you want?" I open my opens but he doesn't say anything, he just waved a piece of paper in my face, I grab the paper out of his hand to see that he is holding a restraining order
"It's the restraining order so that when Jessica and Sarah get out of jail they can't come within 1000 metres of you!!" Ashton exclaims
"Why are we getting the restraining order so early? I mean they only just went to jail yesterday" I wonder
"Oh well Simon thought that it would be better getting it now so we will always have it" Ashton answers
"Anyway, breakfast is on the table so just come out when you're ready and come eat with the rest of us" Ash turns and walks out the door leaving me to stair at the restraining order.

Once I get changed I walk into the kitchen where everyone is eating breakfast
"Took your time to come out" Luke teases me so I tell him to shut up
"So what do you want to do on our last day here in Paris?" Niall looks around at everyone
"Well I was thinking maybe just wonder around with Austin, I haven't spent much time with him lately so I feel like I need to spend some time with him" I saw as Austin starts jumping around telling me all the stuff we can do
"Ame I don't want you and Austin going out alone for a few weeks, just until I know you guys are safe" Simon says sternly
"What about we put Darrel back to work a day before your and Austin and I can spend the day with Darrel" I suggest because I miss Darrel
Simon thinks about it for a minute before agreeing and calling Darrel telling him to come to the hotel.

Once Darrel gets to the hotel we start walking around the city
"So Herman where are some good places to go?"
"I was thinking that we could go see the Eiffel Tower" he suggests and Austin lights up
"LETS DO IT AME, PLEASE" I laugh as we get in the car and start driving
"So how's Amy doing?" I make conversation as we drive around
"She doing alright, still a little cautious after the mishap" I nod as he continues
"She hasn't driven yet, she will sit in the passenger seat but she won't drive" I suddenly feel bad for her
"What about Kylie?" I ask
"Kylies better than Amy, she still gets worried when getting into a car but once we are driving she is alright" I nod knowing that it would be like this for a while
"Oh and Amy never takes her eyes off Kylie after Austin went missing, oh and sorry I couldn't make it to court yesterday, Amy was getting released from hospital and I had to take her home and look after her" I nod understanding
"Nah it's alright, you just look after your family, make sure they are safe" I smile
"Oh and Amy still feels really bad that she managed to lose Austin whilst he was in her care. She thinks you will be made at her now that you've found him" I shake my head
"No it wasn't her fault, she was only driving Austin to us and she was looking after him properly until the other car cracked into them, I would never be mad at her" I say
"Oh good I knew you would say that so I invited Amy and Kylie today so that you could hopefully say it to her and make her feel less guilty" I start getting excited because I haven't seen them both in a while now.

We get to the Eiffel Tower to see that Amy and Kylie are already there
"AME!!" Kylie screams and runs up to me
"Hey how ya doing?" I pull her into a hug
"I missed you" she hugs me tightly
"I missed you to kiddo" I stand up and see Amy standing there watching us, I see that she has gotten bigger over the past few weeks. I look to Amy
"So how has it been since the accident?"
"It's been hard, I have to be extra careful about what I do because a tiny bump could cause me to bleed again" I she rubs her stomach
"I see you're getting bigger!! Are you excited?"
"Yes, we can't wait. Especially this one" she looks at Kylie
"So are you still naming it after Aust?" Amy nods
"Have you told him yet?" Amy asks
"No I was going to leave that up to you, so feel free to tell him whenever you want" she nods saying that she will tell him after lunch.

We have just finished eating lunch and waiting for some ice cream when I turn around to Austin
"Hey Aust did you know that Amy is going to be having a baby"
"Oh my god really!! Is it a boy or a girl?" He turns to Amy
"I'm having a boy, and do you know what we are naming him?" Austin shakes his head
"His name will be James Austin Cole" and Austin looks to me
"He is going to have my name!" He exclaims
"Yep, his middle name is going to be your name" I laugh at how excited Austin is getting.

We get back from our day out and everyone decides to hang out on my hotel room
"Can everyone come sit down I need to tell you all something" Amy sits next to me and Kylie and Austin are both on one of my knees
"After spending the day the Amy and Darrel I have made a decision" everyone looks at me waiting for me to go on
"I have decided that I need to let Darrel go" I pause and see that no one has caught on to what I am saying
"Darrel you have done a great job of protecting both Austin and I but right now Amy and Kylie need you more" Darrel smiles at me gratefully "When we go back on tour we will be gone for so long and I want you to be here for Amy, I don't want you to miss the birth of your own child" I stand up and bring Darrel in for a hug "I'm gonna miss you Darrel"
"And you can always come back to us in a few years once the little one has grown"

Once everyone hugged Darrel and said their goodbyes Amy, Darrel and Kylie all left since it was starting to get late
"C'mon Aus time to get you to bed, we have a big day tomorrow" I get Austin in his pyjamas and walk him to our room where we both fall asleep.

"AME WAKE UP" Someone screams in my ear making me jump
"What do you want?" I rub my eyes
"I have already packed your bags and now it's time to go" Luke grabs my arm and pulls me up
"Everyone is waiting for us in the car so we have hurry" I get up and walk out the door
"Where are we going now?" I ask as we get in the lift
"Germany" Luke answers as I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes.

Once we get downstairs and get in the car we start driving to the airport
"We're back in the road again" I say resting my head on Ashton's shoulder and falling asleep.





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