Chapter 9 - The Visit

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The day was Wednesday, I could have visitors today. I sat in my room waiting for a nurse to come get me, my mother was to come today, although I hated her sometimes I really had missed her since I had been put into this place.

*knock knock*

''Matilda there is someone here to see you''.

I got off the bed and joined the nurse for a short walk to a visitors room. I saw my mother sitting in a bright pink chair and when she saw me she got up and gave me a massive hug.

''So how have you been?'' I could tell by her face she was genuinely concerned for me.

''I have been good I feel better and the medication they got me on is actually working for once.'' I gave a smile to her.

''I'am so happy to hear that. Have you made any friends in here?'' She gave me a smile back.

''Well there is one person his name is Ray and he is so nice to me''. I looked at her and while I said the sentence I could see her face change especially when I mentioned his name. ''Is everything OK?''

''Yes everything is fine darling as long as you are OK. So I brought you some of your clothes with me today and some books i found on your floor.''


We spent only half an hour with each other before she told me she had to go back to work.

On her way out I saw her looking at Ray and then quickly walk away from him.

I walked over to Ray and said sorry to him for my mother being so impolite to him. He accepted my apology and walked to get lunch together but something did not feel right.

Ray's pov

I was sitting in my room I wasn't expecting anyone to visit me it had been to long since anyone had even thought about me.

I went for breakfast late and saw Matilda go into a visitors room I quickly ate and sat waiting for to come out. I was only sitting there for 10 minutes before Matilda exited the room.

I saw her mother coming towards me and she stopped to stare at me before rushing off.

Matilda came over and apologised for her mothers poor attitude. 

I suggested to go for lunch and she agreed I tried to put on a fake smile but how could I, I just found out that my mother wasn't dead and I had a younger sister.

We got our lunch trays and sat at a empty table.

''So you planning on going into the garden after lunch?'' I asked to change any convocation that she wanted to bring up. 

''Yeah sure, what can we do out there?''

''Well there is a tennis court we could play some tennis or we can sit on the benches''.

''Well I would rather sit on some benches and just talk''.

''OK that sounds great''.

We ate our food and talked about a TV program that we both watch.


I know this chapter is short and it hopefully leaves you asking questions.

I will be updating regularly now.

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