* At the store *

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I got out and brought snacks and food.

 I kept felling eyes so i turned around and i seen...

 the fine boy staring at me so i turned back around to walk but he called me 

Him : aye ma?

me : not your ma but yea 

him : well makayla, how u felling today?

me : its just another day w/o her

him : i see 

me : yea i never got your name

he looked determined to tell me. Then he hesitated to say it 

him : Quincy 

me : ohkay well nice meeting you again Quincy 

I started to walk away but he called my name.

Quincy : Makayla? 

me : yes

Quincy : let me get them digits, maybe we an hangout 

me : okay, 404-816-1416 ( fake number )

Quincy : ight ima hit you up later doe

I nodded and started walking to check out my items. I walked to my car and started putting my bags in there. before i could close my door, Quincy came.

Quincy : come over to my house plz

me : umm... you see what i got on 

Quincy : (whispers ) looking fine as hell.

But umm... yea i do

me : ig after i go get me something to eat and put my groceries up.

He nodded and walked off. I was slick happy but anyways i  went to go get my food then went home. i put my groceries up then took my phone and food and walked out the house. after I locked my door, i went to Quincy house. I knocked cause his car here, and his mama came to the door.

mama : hey baby

me : hey, is Quincy here ? 

mama : (smiling / smirking ) yea he upstairs, left door when you first turn.

me : okay thanks mama

I walked upstairs to his room. i knocked and he said come in. i went in and he smiled. i looked at him funny.

Quincy : ( smiling ) why you looking at me like that ?

me : cause you smiling too much 

Quincy : i can't smile ?

me : nvm but when are you going to tell me why im here

him : cause i wanted to ask you something 

i stopped eating and said what is it?

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