Aerona walked off the train that took her to her 'real' home, and grabbed her trunk, and the bridge cage with her little owl inside it. She walked towards where she saw her mother. When she got there, Aerona looked around.
"No dad?" She asked.
"Sorry hun, he's at work" Aerona's mother said to her.
"He's always at work" Aerona grumbled under her breath.
Aerona followed her mother to the car, and they put her trunk in the back of the car, and got in the front.
"How was your year at school?" Her mom asked her.
"Eh" She mumbled. "So I was thinking. Can Rosie stay over Summer possibly?" Aerona asked hopeful, avoiding of telling her mom all the fun she had at Hogwarts.
"Well I have to ask your dad, dear, but probably." Her mother said to her. "Pure-blood or Half-blood?"
"Half-blood" Aerona answered nervously.
"That will take a bit more time, but I'm sure that I can convince him" She reassured.
"I just don't see why it's such a big deal. She had a mudblood for a father. So what? He works in the ministry now. Why are dad and the Malfoys and one or two other family's the only ones who hate them?" Aerona asked annoyed.
"Aerona what have a told you about that word?"
"Sorry. Muggleborn" Aerona practically spat. There was silence. "Are you gonna answer the bloody question or not?" She spoke abruptly.
"A lot more families hate them then you think." Her mother spoke softly. Like it didn't even bother her, but Aerona wasn't amused.
"Why do we hate them?" She asked more calmly.
"We don't" her mother spoke. "Only your father does. It's how he was raised and he sees no point against it. They don't have wizard blood, why should they go to wizard school? He just believes that every wizard should be born a wizard, with wizard parents."
Aerona thoroughly rolled her eyes. It was so hard for her to grasp. She didn't know any reason to lean either way really. She didn't have any reason to hate mudbloo- muggleborns*, But she didn't see any reason to support them or defend them either really. She wasn't friends with any mudbloods. If she were, her father would have a fit, and her life was already hard at home. Her father hated her house, and her friends. He saw her as an utter disappointment, but that was besides the point. She didn't want to hate anyone. Why was she being raised to hate a whole group?
Being muggleborns may have well been the only thing they have in common, yet her dad hated all of them, and then the people who had muggleborns parents, too? She couldn't figure out why. It left her puzzled, and wondering all the time. Draco made fun of Hermione, and for what? For a good laugh? To make her feel utterly terrible? To make him feel better about his daddy problems? It didn't it made him better. Aerona smacked her head off the window.
"Aerona!" Her mom hissed. "Would you stop it? Your going to hurt yourself!" Oh how Aerona wanted to hurt herself.
"How long until we get home?" Aerona softly asked.
"We're almost there."
Aerona looked out the window waiting to get home. The muggleborns popped into her a head for a moment, but the summer ahead of her conjured her mind. She hated her family, and the Malfoys. She just wanted to scream. Why can't they just have a summer where they send Draco off to manners school and Aerona can have a nice long relaxing summer where she sleeps and reads all day?
Her thoughts were once again interrupted as she pulled into the long driveway of Bisk Mansion exactly 2.17 acres away from Malfoy Manner. She wished they were farther away. Miles, or even towns away would be wonderful, but no such luck for Aerona. She was stuck there until she finally graduated from hogwarts and could be off on her own, but that hadn't happened just yet.
The two finally reached Bisk Mansion. The house was a dark bluish grey, with silver accents. It had age as though it has been passed down threw generations. The windows were large, old, and had been shattered many times but still kept up with Aerona. They has been battling it out ever since Aerone could throw. It's not like she would play catch with anyone though, there was no one there for her.
The car stopped, and Aerona jumped out of the car as fast as her body would let her. She grabbed her trunk, and owl from the back and levitated it, making it follow her. She entered the house and walked up the stares, not minding to see what has changed in her house. She guessed it would be a new decor piece but nothing had changed in the years she was gone.
"Welcome back Mistress" her house elf, Tybal, greeted.
"Thank you" was Aerona's reply as she continued to walk to her room.
Her room was exactly how she left it. There were no spiders or cobwebs, no dust. Tybal has cleaned it. It was exactly the same. Her books in the exact same order. Her close folded the exact same way. She set the trunk at the foot of her queen sized bed, it making a very large noise when it made contact with the old aged wooden floor. She placed the bird on her desk.
Aerona took an old book off her shelf, after brushing her hands over the old spines. One she had not seen for many months was opened by her own hands. The bright blue cover was aged and torn at the spine in result of it being read many times. The thick pages, were ripped and torn every page or so, the outside edge of the page, stained a darker brown then the rest, almost as if coffee or tea had been spilled only there.
Aerona let out a long sigh as she plopped on her bed. Her back was pressed tightly against the headboard as she began to reread the first page, each descriptive word after the other. Pages were read until she heard her mother call for her from the lower floor. She had heard the sound many times, but had not missed them. She hated the dreaded sound as she pressed her hands against the sheet separating her body from the bed. As she walked to her door, she stepped on a week bored and a loud creek erupted. Aerona continued to walk unaffected by the sound.
When she reached her mother in the kitchen, her mother placed a letter on the counter and turned to face Aerona, her mums face completely unreadable. Aerona now deeply concerned, waited for her mothers news.
"I think you'll like the news" The words came out of her mothers mouth as she set the letter in front of Aerona.
Aerona read the words careful, trying not to read fast out of excitement. The words on the letter what they were saying made Aerona's day turn from horrible to perfection.
I must apologize The letter read I know that we planned to make it a tradition, but I could not say no to the boy. We will indeed not be spending the summer with you, and I deeply regret the news, but Lucius was confident that we let Draco have his way.
As Aerona finished the letter, she practically cried out in joy, practically danced. No Draco this summer? It was the greatest news of her life! She could spend the summer at Rosie's if her parents so allow it. She could do whatever the hell she wanted with her summer. No bullshit family bonding.
"Are you happy?" Her mother inquired.
"Beyond happy!" Aerona exclaimed. "I'm overjoyed" she spoke throwing her hands up in the air. "Can I please spend my summer with Rosie?" She practically begged. "Please mum? Please" she spoke stretching out the last please so that it rung in ear.
"I don't know." Her mom started. "It's up to your father"
"Well forget that then. He'll never let me go, and if I am stuck with you two all summer I will annoy you until you want to curse me" Aerona threatened. "Please, please, pleaseeeeeeeee-"
"Alright, I'll make sure that he lets you go. Go send a letter to Rosie to let her know, and ask her if you will be aloud to stay with her. I'll talk to your father"
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Aerona screamed jumping up and down. "Thank you!"