Chapter 4: Usuratonkachi

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The next chapter is up! Now we will have a little of Sasuke's POV! ;)
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Sasuke's POV

Why did I even agree on this? Sakura and Ino were fighting over who would sit next to me because to the left I had Shino. I mentally thanked God for Shino existing. I mean, he's just a guy who's always there but you're pleased that he is because he helps you out even without knowing it.

"Ino-pig! I'm Sasuke-kun's teammate that means that I will sit next to him and get his first kiss!" Sakura screemed, then she probably remembered that Naruto took my first kiss because she hastily added:
"Uh, I mean his first willing kiss!"

Ino glared at her and were going to say something but she and everyone else felt a huge chakra flare whosh (A/N: Not a word I know but you know what I mean?:^))
through them and everyone tried to not tremble.
'What was that chakra? Is was black... And terrifying... It was filled with rage...' I thought a little scared.

"W-what was that?!" Ino screamed after a while.
"I-Is Konoha under attack?" Hinata stuttered, clearly afraid.
"Let's head back to the Hokage tower and ask Tsunade-sama." Shikamaru said with his usual tone but you could see sweatdrops on his forehead.

-Time Skip-

Third POV

"Tsunade-sama! Sakura harshly opened the door and ignored her actions and saw Tsunade stand by her desk panicked.

"What was that chakra flare before?" Shino said quietly but high enough.

"We don't know yet but we have a guess... I have already sent two ANBU headed to where we felt this chakra."
Tsunade said trying to be calm.

Jiraya appeared next to her.

"What do you mean Tsunade?! It was Naruto?! But I didn't feel like his chakra nor the Kyuubi no Kitsune's!"
He said panicked.

The Rookie Nine (who isn't rookie anymore nor nine but you know which people I mean) stood there shocked.

"I-It was Naruto?!" Sakura screamed and even Sasuke paled.

"Calm down everyone! We felt a huge amount of chakra, 97 percent of it was something completely unknown black chakra, but then 3 percent of it was Kyuubi no Kitsune's chakra. We don't know for sure if it's Naruto fighting the unknown black chakra bearer or if it's Naruto owning the both chakra." Tsunade said with worry in her voice.

It was a completely silent before Sasuke said:
"Where did the chakra come from?" He asked, everyone looked at him shocked that he said something.

"By the end of the alley behind the store next to the park." Tsunade said and before anyone could say anything more he disappeared.

Naruto's POV

I could feel it. The feel of bloodlust and satisfy when the blood speared from their now lifeless bodies.
I laughed as the ninjas looked terrified, they were mere genins and chūnins but I didn't care, I slashed them with my claws with the black chakra and the blood spurt.
Their bodies turned to ashes with the contact of the black chakra and I grinned.

"Kit! You must stop it! If you use that black chakra it will take over your body faster and you will go through harder effects. Even though I understand why you want to do this." Kurama said both worried and then hatred towards the villagers.

'I know... But this is so amazing! They made me dying and now they're dead too!' Naruto thought and Kurama grinned.

"But about you..." Kurama trailed off sadly.
'It's fine really, Kurama. I knew that I would die someday. It doesn't matter anymore, I have you. That's enough, really... Sasuke won't ever like me anyways so...' I thought to him and tried to smile but it turned out to be a sad smile.

Kurama then went silent and two ANBU appeared.
"Uzumaki Naruto, you're under arrest! Please follow us and avoid fighting." The ANBU with a bird mask said and nodded to the other ANBU next to him who had a ape mask.

"Oh? Sorry but no can do.." I said with a grin on my face.
I started to perform Rasengan but it was now much more powerful with the black chakra.
"You demon! Just die! You killed my family and friends! Come on Tori!" The ape masked ANBU said and picked up kunais from his pockets.
"Yeah! Let's go Saru!" Tori said and did the same as he ran towards me.

I took a step on the ground causing a small earthquake of the power and Tori clumsy fell on the ground and before he could get up again I shoved my Rasengan in his body and his body got torn into pieces as blood spurted on my face and I laughed.
The other ANBU Saru looked at me terrified.
"You demo-" He started but I jumped at him and bit his neck with my fangs, letting the black chakra go through his body and he screamed.

"Die now you pathetic human." I said with an empty voice and then laughed. This is so fun!
Suddenly my headache got really bad and I nearly fainted, but fought it.

Then Sasuke appeared before me around ten meters from me.
A small second later Sakura, Shikamaru and the others appeared behind Sasuke.
They first looked at the ground where dead bodies laid there in puddles of blood.
I saw their terrified looks and then the Saru ANBU climbed towards them.

"H-help me.." He said dryly as the black chakra took over his body and his head fell on the ground.
Ino puked at this and they now looked terrified at me.

"N-Naruto! That's unyouthful of you! Have you done all this?" Lee said and sweatdropped.

I looked at them and didn't know what I should say.
'W-why? Why are they here?! What have I done?!' I thought and panicked.
"You must not show weakness! The black chakra takes energy from it and takes over you faster than normal!" Kurama screamed panicked but it was too late.

I trembled.
"I-I..." I started but then my headache got worser and I could almost imagine how the black chakra tried to eat it.
I screamed and digged my nails on my head and fell on my knees.

"N-Naruto!" Hinata 'eeked' and Neji made a step closer.
"No... Stay away from me!" I whispered but Neji paid no mind and took a step closer.

"Stay away from me!" I roared as a new huge chakra flare ran through them.
Everyone trembled and Ino puked again.
My head screamed and I shutted my eyes hard and gritted my teeth.

Sasuke then decided to go towards me and I panicked. When he now were one meter from me he opened his mouth


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I know I know, a cliffhanger but because I've already posted every chapter, just go to the next chapter and find out the rest ;^)

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