Part 4 Chap. 1

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                    This might be quick which makes it a terrible fanfic XD sorry.


             The both of you finally got your food, whatever you ordered. You kinda just looked at 2D as he ate his food. Then you kinda spaced out, thinking. Maybe overthinking. You didn't want to do anything wrong and stuff since, after all, he was one of the members of one of your favorite bands. (Yes, I had to put that again.) Until 2D looked straight at you, a bit concerned and spoke straightly at you. Except, his voice cracks a bit, "Are ye gon' eat at all?"

        You looked up at him, slouching a bit on your seat. "Oh, yeah, I will" you replied, swirling your fork around your food. You looked down at your food, you were a bit tired, and you didn't seem that hungry from the looks of it. You didn't have time to go to places like this to eat food very much since you, of course, had a job. But you can't waste food, so you ate anyways. 

         2D finished his before you. DUH. And he watched you eat slowly. (Creepy) "I'm too full..." you groaned. He smiled a bit brightly at you. Sounds weird, right? He quickly looked at your food, "May I have the rest?" You gave an odd look to him, but he seemed really hungry before, and he probably still is. 'I wonder how long he's gone without anything to eat' you thought. But his smile was adorable, and you were kinda worried. Why not? You nodded and handed it to him.

    Of course, he shoved the food down his mouth. You giggled a bit after he finished. And blah blah blah, you guys paid, but 2D was kind enough to pay for you. The both of you walked out n stuff. "Man, it must be late." you said, looking out at the sky. Stu checked the time on his watch. It was about 7:30 PM or so. "Heh, yeah..." 2D wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to Kong with him, but he thought that was too soon. Yeah, you were a fan of Gorillaz and he could see that. But besides, he doesn't know you that well. You could actually pretty much be a slut for all he knows! Though, he knows you aren't. You didn't look like one, nor acted like one, really. He's just a bit worried about it. The both of you were heading to the same place and you seemed nice to him, you ate with him and he enjoyed your company. It seemed better than being alone, or being bothered by the rest of the band. 

        So he wanted you to become his friend. You seemed pretty interesting to him, so why not? Anyways, you had a stressful week due to your job and decided to go out to (f/r) to relax and eat something good that you haven't had in a while. You weren't that hungry, but it calmed you down and you especially got to meet the one and only 2-D from Gorillaz. It was a good day, but you didn't want that to be the first and last time you got to meet him. So you rummaged through the pockets of your jacket, and found a little note that you wrote on a while ago. You flipped it over and looked to check if you had anything to write with anywhere, nope. 

       "2-D, you got a pen or something?" you asked him, he looked through his pockets and found a pen. (As expected) "Thanks." you took it from his hand, and you wrote on the piece of paper. 2-D just looked at you, wondering what you were writing down. You walked up to him and handed him the paper, "U-Uh, I know this is cheesy, but h-here's my number...just in case you ever want to talk to me, heh, you know?" you stuttered a bit. Hopefully he's okay with that. 2-D gladly accepted the offer, "How are ya gettin home, luv?" you looked up at his face, which you couldn't see that much, it's pretty dark. "Oh, I'm walking. It isn't that far." you responded. "I'm walkin wif you." You were surprised at that sudden response, and that he actually wanted to walk with you. 

Hopefully he won't do anything weird...Nah, he wouldn't. 

     "Are you sure about that? It would take you extra long to get back to Kong." He just smiled, "I know, but I want to walk wif ya." That's either cute or creepy, whatever you think. "Oh, alright" and he walked left from you, "This way, right?" You shook your head and pointed right, "No, this way." He began to walk that direction, "Oh, I knew that!" he said a bit nervously. You caught up to him and the both of you walked together to your apartment. Maybe this was a nice chance for him to get to know you better. 


That probably wasn't a very good part, but whatever. Atleast I updated. 

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