9•Like The Good Old Days

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It was a little after 8 am and I was seated on the dusty floor of the training room. I could hear Natsu and Gray fighting for a job from up here and sighed. This guild never changes, does it? But it's still home, I reminded myself, bringing a smile to my face.  

My hair was starting to stick to my neck so I pulled out a hair tie and put it up in a messy bun. I had thought a lot about how we would train. And finally we both had a complete schedule ready. 

Freed had gone out to help Bickslow with something and said that he would come back at 6 pm. We had agreed to train everyday at that time for at least about three hours. After a lot of convincing, I finally got Freed to agree that training in the evening would be way better than waking up early in the morning. 

He seemed hesitant at first but then gave in. We would still do our own things, but dedicate three hours of our everyday life for training. 

I looked down at the old book we found in one of the cupboards of the training room. Most of it was empty with only a few words written here and there that didn't really make much sense to me. 

We had written down (more like scribbled) a schedule for ourselves that we would follow for a month. That's how much time I had given myself to train and then I would go after her.  
For a week we would be working on hand to hand combat. He had also given me a page with some kind of specific diet on it. 

"It will help you build your strength," he said. I didn't know if that was true or if he just wanted to torture me with weird tasting food. But I agreed anyway. 

Since he was out for most of the day, I decided to go down to the guild, and spend some time with my good old pals. It had been a long time since we had talked or done anything for that matter. It would be a good relaxation after my previous mission. 

I still had to tell master about it. Honestly, I was ashamed. Even with the Thunder God Tribe, I failed a mission. We lost to a guild that was unknown to almost all of Magnolia! 

I sighed and stood up, dusting the back of my shorts. It was no use thinking about our defeat over and over again. I had to learn from it. And then go back and return victorious. 
But that wasn't all.

I had so many questions. And the dream, it was one I could never forget. The leader- she looked so familiar, yet I had never met her before or even known about her existence. I couldn't even remember her face right now! It was a blurry mental image. The only thing clear was the black tattoo on her right forearm. But I couldn't make out what exactly it was.

I shrugged my shirt on and left it unbuttoned over my tank top. It was 8.11 according to the rusty old clock hanging on the wall, which meant I had about 10 hours. 

I threw open the door and headed down, where I could hear Natsu and Gray yelling. I pushed open another door and ducked as a plate came speeding my way. 

"Oops! I'm so sorry Y/n!" Cana cried with droopy eyes and her hands waving in the air. She had a giddy smile on her face as she walked over with wobbly legs. 

"A bit early for a drink, don't you think?" I looked at her worriedly but she simply giggled, hiccups interrupting her as she talked, "Wow- look at- y-ou! Such- love-ly poetry-y!" She giggled as she chugged down some more of the booze in her bottle. At least it wasn't a barrel. 

I sat her down and patted her head as she continued talking to Macao who looked at her with concern in his eyes. He was always like a father to her- to us all. Little Romeo was like our brother. He loved hanging out with Natsu and I. It was fun, those days. Jeez, I feel old. 

"Be friendly to each other!" A stern voice ordered smacking the two boys and pushing them together. The armored lady turned around and gave me a smile when she saw me. 


"Hello, Y/n. It's been a while," Erza nodded and held out a hand. I rolled my eyes and pulled her forward, hugging her. "That isn't how we greet family," I smiled and she returned it. 

"So, no jobs today?" She asked and I shook my head no. "I'm free all day!" I took a seat at an empty table and placed my chin on my palm. Natsu and Gray were busy glaring at each other to notice my presence. The two received a hit in the head from Erza and stood up straight immediately, with their arms around each other's shoulders and large fake grins on their faces.

"Hey Natsu, where's your blonde friend? The new girl? I heard she's a celestial wizard," he looked at me and nodded. 

"Yup! Her name's Lucy!" He grinned and took a seat beside me. Gray and Erza sat in front of us. No one really saw it happen, but suddenly the ice mage before us was half naked. Thankfully, he kept his boxers. 

"Gray, your clothes!" Erza said through gritted teeth. Natsu and I gulped, staring at Erza- waiting for her to attack. Luckily the ice mage managed to grab his clothes and cover his body before the re-quip mage blew him 10 miles away.

"It's been a while since I've seen you four together!" Mira's chirpy voice interrupted, making Gray sigh in relief. Erza smiled at her and nodded, throwing an arm around Gray and pulling him to her armored body. Natsu and I winced and turned to look at Mira as she smiled at the two of them. 

"Would you like to have something?" She asked kindly with the smile never leaving her face. Erza was the first to ask her for a slice of strawberry cake, followed by Gray who asked for a coffee. Natsu too ordered a coffee, although he never really liked it before. I shook my head knowing that I would have to drink Natsu's coffee and Mira left to go get our drinks and cake.

I didn't realize how much I had missed this. Just sitting around with my friends, talking aimlessly with no worries. Natsu, Happy and I had gone on tons of jobs together. We would bump into Gray sometimes and come back together with the two of them constantly bickering. It was frustrating but then again, it was home. 

Mira soon returned with a tray containing our orders and placed them in front of us. Erza dug into her cake and Gray silently sipped his coffee. Natsu smirked before touching his lips to the rim of the mug. 

As soon as the liquid ran over his taste buds he scrunched his face in disgust and gulped it down, coughing right after. I shook my head and took the mug from him. He gave me a small smile and I rolled my eyes before drinking Mira's delicious coffee. Damn, it was the best! I had no idea how the pyro didn't like it. It was amazing! And the weird thing was that Natsu consumed every single thing but coffee. What a weirdo.

As we sat in silence, a sudden thought came to my mind. We were missing something. No, someone. My eyes widened in realization and placed the faded yellow mug down a little harder than I intended, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Hey, where's Happy?" I asked the group. Natsu leaned forward and rested his head on his folded arms on the table. 

"He went out with Lucy to the market for something," he said. Just then the two of them walked through the doors of the guild hall, Lucy carrying a bag in her hands.

"Y/n!" Happy cried and jumped onto me, almost throwing me off my seat. "It's so good to see you!" He smiled and adjusted in my arms. "Good to see you too, buddy!" I grinned at him and he flew out of my arms and sat on the table.

Lucy- the celestial wizard gave me a smile and a small wave. Don't they ever learn? I rolled my eyes and stood up, grabbing her wrist and pulled her forward, giving her a hug she would surely remember.

"That's how we greet family!" Her eyes widened and so did her smile. She nodded and sat down with us. "Any plans today guys?" She asked placing the bag on the table. Everyone shook their heads no and slumped in their seats. 

"We should do something! It's been so long and we haven't really done anything together!" I slapped my palms on the table and stood up. "Any ideas?" I asked the group. 

Lucy tapped her chin and put on a thoughtful expression. Erza had placed the now empty plate aside and hummed as she thought of things we could do. Gray and Natsu had begun another argument, consisting of a lot of growling and glaring. 

"The ice skating rink!" Gray yelled, slamming his fists against the table. Natsu stood up too and punched the table. "No, the food eating festival!" He argued, giving off a fiery aura. 

"Both of you, calm down!" Erza ordered and the two shivered as they took their seats. Lucy and I shared a look and shook our heads. I guess there's someone else who understands how I feel. 
"Gray, we cannot go to the ice skating rink because it is two towns away," she stated while the ice mage simply huffed and crossed his arms, looking away. 

"Natsu, what you suggest is out of the question. We cannot go to the festival because master has strictly forbidden us from going there," she folded her arms and kept the stern expression on her face. 

"Besides, we have already caused a ruckus before which ended up destroying the place last time. We cannot risk our guild's name again," she sighed and played with the fork lying on her plate.

"There will be cake," Natsu tried hiding his smile and shrugged as he placed his hands on either side of his face and whistled. "Lots of it," he whispered. The re-quip mage gripped the fork in her hand so tight, her knuckles turned white. She clenched her jaw and shook her head, beads of sweat forming on her forehead.

I smirked knowing what her answer would be. Gray scowled and glared at Natsu for using her weakness against her but the dragon slayer only shrugged with a smirk making its way. 

"Master cannot know," she mumbled as her grip on the fork loosened and she stood up. 

"Gray, Natsu, Lucy, Y/n and Happy! We are leaving now. Their best cakes might get over! And the festival only lasts a week! We have no time at all! Four days have already gone by! What are we going to do?" She shrieked and continued rambling. 

Lucy stared at her in shock while Happy and Natsu high fived. Gray too had a small smile as he witnessed the mighty Titania ramble about not getting enough cake.

"If we don't want to get caught, we better hurry," I suggested and the team nodded. Natsu and Happy led the way while a flustered Erza and scowling Gray followed them. 

"I'm glad I met you, Y/n," I heard Lucy say from beside me. I shot her a smile and nodded. "I'm glad we met too. We do need a few decent mannered people around here, don't we?" I giggled and walked out the guild hall with a smiling Lucy. 

Sorry for the (really) late update. 


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