Chapter 6

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Some would say he deserved it, and some would say I deserved what I got. Either way, I was the one paying the price. I'm the one that's in the hospital with a black eye, two bloody hands, and the icing on the cake, 2 broken ribs. My boss recommended me to stay at home. She even offered me other patients so I could be their therapist. She thought I was a little shaken up from the incident so, she gave me another patient to have a therapy session with. So I could get my swing back, as she put it. I didn't listen to my doctor's orders when he told me to stay away from work for a few more days. Instead, I immediately returned to work the day after the incident. I walked through the halls of the asylum with confidence. It's easier for than staying away and having people assume what happened. A few seconds later, my boss walked up to me.

"Hailey." "I thought you were supposed to be at home resting."

"Yeah I was." "But i'm not." "What do I have to be afraid of?" "I'm not running away from that guy."

"Well it's great that you have such bravery after being victimized as you were." "But we are still going to assign you to another patient."

"Fair enough."

Follow me." she said. We walked down the hall until we got to my office. "Go on in." "I promise this one won't hurt ya."

I walked in and saw a man sitting in the chair. He had black hair, a scruffy beard, and blue eyes. He was pretty good looking may I add. I sat down and he looked confused.

"You're not my therapist."

"No." "No i'm not." "I'm actually just your therapist for today."

"Well I guess I wouldn't mind that." "You look much better than my other one."

I laughed at his comment. "And you're a much better patient than my other one."

"You're Ambrose's therapist aren't you?" he asked.


"Did he do that to your eye?"


"That's terrible." "No woman should be treated like that."

"You're such a gentleman."

He laughed slightly. "What's your name?"


"Pretty name."

"What's yours?"


"I like it." "So why are you here?"

"Basically trying to get myself together." "I'm broken and I can't be fixed."

"Well don't worry about that." "I'm sure we can fix that problem." "Tell me about yourself."

For the rest of the time we had together, he told me about his childhood, and how much it sucked being stuck in this asylum. He told me about an ex girlfriend he had a long time ago & how she left him because he didn't have money anymore. He told me he loved her and when she left him, he kinda lost it. It's a shame that someone would do that to him.

"Thanks for letting me vent to you."

"It's my job."

"No." "Call me crazy but, it actually seemed like you were interested." "It didn't feel like I was still in this room being evaluated." "I felt like I was just talking to a regular person."

"I try my best."

Just then a guard walked in signalling it was time to end the session.

"Hey?" "You have a husband or anything?"

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